Lithium Battery Chargers

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by Regenwulf, Jul 5, 2019.

  1. Thanks.
    So am I just supposed to plug it in if it ever goes flat, in the same way I would a normal one?!

    Just seems a bit strange for me as the dealer fitted a plug thing that I've hidden under one of the side tank panels but if I don't need it not sure why they did? Not knocking the dealer by the way.
  2. Lithium Batteries will maintain the charge for weeks - maybe top up once a month over winter for a few hours...
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. hero, thanks
  4. My 17 & 18 model Ktm's came with JMT as factory fitment.
    I have used JMT in my 15' R1 for 3 years without any issues.(factory battery struggled to start the bike if unused for 3 weeks, the JMT started the bike after 5 months....
    Used Skyrich in my 95' Suzuki RGV250 2t for 5 years never had to charge it, been left unused for 10months(track only bike and tbh not the best electrics even when new, let alone after 24 years).
    There is a risk..but so is riding a bike..or flying a plane.
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  5. Cheers. I've taken the plunge and bought jmt batteries for both my Pani and my hyper. Yet to fit. Also bought a ctek charger for lithium batteries.
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  6. Personally I wouldn't use cheap end generic branded Lithium batteries on a Ducati specified for Lithium...
    • Love You Love You x 1
  7. Talked to the owner of Electrex World today regarding a race style alternator for my Kr1000 project. I mentioned running a Lithium to which he said don't - but if you do use a Shorai or Skyrich and mount the Reg Rec in the airstream.
    His company refuse to recommend Lithium as they cannot justify the insurance against fires - so although some modern high end Lithium Batteries are OK if all other components are too - he said he can't afford the time and money to fight cases where Lithium Batteries have fried his components when they go wrong. I will be using a Skyrich (Ducati OEM choice) on the KR and mounting the Reg Rec sensibly too :cool::upyeah:

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  8. Electrex know what they are talking about , unlike a bunch of other firms ,
    who only know about talking .
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  9. I went for the standard Mosfet regulator fitted to many later model Ducatis which is fully LiPo compatible. :eyes:
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    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  10. I think we did.... or did I imagine it... ouch... my pitch fork just burnt my fingers.
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. Yes, it's been done :)
  12. And this was actually your contribution to this thread :thinkingface:
  13. And this was mine :thinkingface:
  14. No, but I think it was you who requested it before too :eyes: your post #53 was highly inaccurate :eek:
  15. Good that we have moved on :kissing_heart:
    • Love You Love You x 1
  16. Not really an authority. ...:bucktooth:
    Just got involved with an investigation into a Ducati sports bike fire :broken_heart::motorcycleduc::broken_heart::motorcycleduc: and was shocked (see what I did there?) to see how close to the edge of the design envelope that bike was. Some bad decisions had been made on the location for the components that need to loose heat, such that it didn't take much to make the circuit self destruct.

    I've worked on the design of quite a few battery charge and test circuits, before my life as a "fitter" of AC systems.:blush:

    If a motorcycle wasn't designed with Lithium in mind for the support for the electrical power source then it's probably best avoided, unless you have the intellectual tool kit to check all various parameters. :heart::motorcycleduc::heart::motorcycleduc:.
    What isn't acceptable IMHO is those that spout "I've not had a fire yet, so it must be ok"....... "I've not checked how hot the "gen set" gets 'cause I'm too busy talking bull on the Ducati forum"...:eyes:
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