So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. Tried fixing a leaking radiator pipe on the central heating before it ruined the flooring:frown:
  2. Brought my Micky Flannigan ticket ...
    That was hard to buy ffs!!!!
  3. Get well soon ....
    I had 3 days of hallucinations ..
    Not even good ones at that :(
  4. I bought mine back in October. Just another six months to wait. :rolleyes:
  5. securedownload.jpg just finished this big ass stainless steal shaft to go in one of these rudders....

  6. I forgot to ring the day they were released :(
    hairy Bikers I got front row in the middle because I got on the phone as soon as box office opened.
    Totally hacked off because the touts got most of the Micky tickets got snapped up by touts and were up of £60 each £110 for some !!!
    catch number 2 .. You had to buy 2 or more tickets at around £60 min.
    So to see him would cost me £120 - £160 plus booking fee £9 plus postage £7.00
    If I'd remembered to ring £26 ...and walk down the road to pick them up.

    my ticket cost me £76 :(
    not happy but he makes me pee my pants with laughter.
    Going on my own ... Be the best date I've been to this year !
  7. Finally got referral back to neurologist !!!!
    I'm also now going to look at private treatment if it means taking out a loan to push it through then so be it.
  8. Good luck Mel, hope you get sorted soon!
  9. Talked more bollocks than usual and it ain't even midday yet!
  10. Must have need a bastard big arsed file!
    Or was that a big arsed bastard file...? :wink:

    UOTE=speno;141822] View attachment 13397 just finished this big ass stainless steal shaft to go in one of these rudders....[/QUOTE]
    • Like Like x 1
  11. That's a suppository for Cameron, isn't it? Needs to be bigger.
  12. Done nothing spectacular today, just a bit of catching up after the weekend. But I have booked a table for me and SWMBO at a Thai restaurant tonight as a surprise and a treat :upyeah:
  13. ok......i give up......i have tryed to work out what a 'SWMBO' is for the last 3 weeks? tell?......
  14. The Trouble and Strife is the answer.
  15. She Who Must Be Obeyed.

    Mind you, I am intrigued as to what a surprise and a treat might be, at a Thai restaurant.
  16. cheers chaps.and FFS don't even go there.......its prob a splitarse with a cock like a donkey!........

  17. SWMBO = She Who Must Be Obeyed
  18. nogg??????????????
  19. Finished clearing the brambles. I am now well and truly stuffed.
    My God, what a struggle. Now I have to turn over all the earth and extract as many roots as possible. Seeing as the whole thing is a bed of nettles when it's not a bed of brambles, that is not going to be simple. I've already dug out a barrowload of roots. There's probably another barrowload to go.
    I'll have to wait a few days until I am restored.
  20. Couple of nasties you have there.Ground Elder is my problem-it's mixed in with a load of wanted plants.I will get it all out eventually.Says he.
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