New Member From Across The Pond

Discussion in 'Newbies Hangout' started by johnmtl, May 6, 2019.

  1. Oh bless you sounds like you had a good go at keeping from the steel

    Get yourself fixed and your welcome to hang around here
    • Like Like x 1
  2. Wow...
    Can you sue the highway authority for failing to maintain it to a safe standard?
    I think you would be able to here.
    Hope you and the bike get sorted and back on the road soon.
  3. That really stinks and you seem to have such a light hearted attitude about it too. They've just started doing pothole repair where I live in Minnesota. Haven't seen any streetsweepers yet but rightly so, it is only early May. No telling what the weather might do.
    Best wishes that you heal up quickly!
    • Like Like x 1
  4. Everything is insured and your still able to move around so the important stuff is taken care off. Sorry to hear about the accident and damage though chap
  5. Thank you all. Will be a daily struggle, but it is nothing compared what I went through a couple years ago (cancer survivor). Hence the positive attitude (body will heal, bike will be fixed). :)

    Here in Quebec, one cannot sue the government for improper road conditions. It is a law.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Love You Love You x 1
  6. Keep fighting mate. Your a survivor. Welcome
  7. Still lurking the site, learning what a marvellous bike that MTS really is.... healing too! Off crutches and cane, able to walk without any help. Physio is a pain, but if I want to ride again, it's good pain....

    Final repair tally also came in, 11 127.23$, Canadian funny money that is. Includes a new frame too - one of the welds gave upon impact. Have a date too, bike scheduled to be back on the road for August 2nd. Feel like a kid waiting for xmas to come, adding big fat red Xs on a calendar. Wife finds this very funny.
  8. Final update on this saga: body has healed, physio did the job. Bike is back Home too, fully repaired like new - thanks to Nadon Sport in St-Eustache for the great job they did.

    Been on the road already, adding 500km over last weekend. Need to take it easy, body is not accustomed yet to long rides... but it will come back.

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  9. Hold on a welcome & crash; this is a next level of introduction!

    Glad you got things sorted & healed up'
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. Belated welcome, and good to hear you're over the slight mishap :thinkingface:
  11. I was back in Montreal in May, digging up a lot of roads in the city centre. Love the city.
    See you had a few issues, hopefully all mended.
  12. Great update,
    Happy riding.
  13. Glad you’re all mended and sorted. Interesting for us as over here with a cracked frame the bike would have been written off. As it would have been deemed to expensive to repair. I’m surprised it wasn’t more than that with a new frame. I guess you’ve had to go through some hoops with a new frame number?

    Essentially it’s a new bike, albeit with an engine that’s done just a few klicks.

    Hope it’s all good riding now.
  14. That is the greatest introduction, crash, injury, repair & return ever posted. Well done Sir!
    • Like Like x 1
  15. I too was surprised with the bike being repared, but since the damage was mostly esthetic... frame replacement is also an easy process (it was shown to me on another bike). Replacing it involved a lot of paperwork (including a notary signed document for Ducati, prooving ownership) so as to keep the same serial number as the damaged frame. I was also surprised how quickly the replacement frame was received (3 weeks after initial order).
  16. Glad you liked it, though I would have preferred a more typical introduction... :yum
    • Funny Funny x 2
  17. & exactly what are Canadian wife’s made of that they find a bone breaking bike crash “funny” Mine still can’t look at my bike after my off last year!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. Wow, sounds like both you and the bike fared worse than my bike and I did when we both went down the road at 60 mph.
    Bad luck :(
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