Popped into my local for a nosy/chat and then the SPS out for my usual run but should have been the other bike so maybe tomorrow weather permitting for a repeat performance.Flowers & wildlife for
Good Productive day today....various spannering activities.. 1. Mate came over on his Tuono v4 with a Gabro modded ecu...so, fitted the ECU, did the throttle learning. Had a spare exhaust strap to connect his link pipe (fitted). Replaced a cracked rear light. Texted me when he got home to say it felt like a new bike...awesome. 2. Replaced front brake pads on the car. 3. After stripping the front end of the zed last week and replaced the head bearing but not had the chance to get it all bedded in...so did that, back to the house to go over it (front end headstock tighten, one of the headlights not quite plugged in, adjust the windmirrors). Another soak test tomorrow...
Viewed a motorcyle for sale this morning & described in the advert as in immacuate conditionmaybe my standards/expectations are way too high in life
Bought flights and booked the hotel for a four day trip to Stockholm in October. Now to sort out restaurants. Anyone been/ can recommend a top restaurant?
Popped down to Fowlers on the 999, pissed down while I was inside having a bacon butty. Dry again by the time I left, nice 1199 Panigale close to mine in the car park when I left.
Now arrived in Montreux. SWMBO has had her pic taken (on her phone) next to the statue of Freddie Mercury, so she’s happy now!