So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. Just a few random pictures from the Lake Geneva shoreline today.

    I think we’re off to Lausanne tomorrow :)

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    View attachment 166279
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  2. Nope 90% additional profit through the corporate food chain and 10% what you said :yum cheaper materials yes, but 5 times more of them. A little more manufacturing cost, but minimal. Accuracy - nope, not really - why would higher volume manufacturing be less accurate? You would be surprised what things cost - but typical mark up on automotive OEM spares is x 10. Much more with premium Motorcycles. :worried:
  3. I got home and was locked out of the house. No house key on the Monster and Wife & Daughter were out shopping.
    So got the hosepipe out and washed the Monster. Looking great for tomorrow's ride.
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. Hmm, there's a lot more manufacturing cost to make a bike disc mate, machined bobbins, labour to assemble etc. I'm not saying higher volume would be less accurate, but a car brake disc will be done to a lower grade of tolerance than a high performance bike disc. And also on that point, a bog standard car capable of 100mph needs a lot less sophistication in both development and materials than a bike disc capable of 170+mph.

    That brake disc will be a common part across potentially dozens of vehicles, mass production for factories and spares. Don't get me wrong I agree the mark up will be higher but it is also a much higher spec and precision component.
  5. Yes, but a small amount of the cost as I said - the mark up on 'premium' brands and such component's is immense.
    I also think you will find automotive (car) specifications are much more onerous than Motorcycle Manufacturers - and clearly VAG's specifications haven't yet filtered through to Ducati - you can tell this be the fasteners they use o_O
    • Agree Agree x 2
  6. Tough day yesterday. Spent almost all day sitting by the pool, under a shade, reading. Most unlike me but it had to be done.

    Eventually had to succumb to the gym at 5pm followed by a shower to rinse off the sweat and cooling dip in the pool.

    Cooked a bar-b-que and bed.

    Tomorrow will be much the same me thinks. I feel no guilt, next week I’ll be back on the squeaking wheel.
    • Like Like x 3
  7. Sam,Sending over some important return to work supplies "three in one oil/ear plugs & ketamine"
    ......never ever mix your drinks;)
    #57009 XH558, Aug 20, 2019
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2019
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. Waiting to have my Zometa
    • Love You Love You x 2
  9. Day 5 and my car is still at the main dealers. The initial diagnostic test showed codes for failed coil pack, then they said the timing might be out, and now "TA-DAH!!!"`s a faulty multiair unit, £2k from Fiat :sob:
    The technician told me he had found a used unit on ebay and said if I get it he could make a good one out the two. I bloody hope so, including the multiair fix I`m in the hole for £600-ish so far.
    If this doesn`t fix the bloody thing my next purchase will be a box of matches and a gallon of petrol.
    I bloody hate cars.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. Annual medical review this morning. Pleased to know liver and kidney function are both normal, cholesterol is good at 4 and blood pressure remains successfully medicated :). Nice man also gave me some proper pain killers for the muscle spasm in my back. Just collecting Carole's Scrambler after an annual service. Andy
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  11. We’ve been to the Museé Olympique in Lausanne. Very interesting indeed.

    But as it’s pissing down (and has been all day) we’ve come back to our Airbnb apartment for a snooze/coffee/cake :)
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  12. 83386C9F-8FD3-4153-BEB8-9E4235E5CBB9.jpeg Went for a 200 mile run today ended up having to buy a new tyre due to picking up a nail.

  13. Hope all goes well!
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  14. DB,hope everything went well today:thinkingface::heart:
  15. After yesterdays tactical error with rain soaked roads:(back to normal today with a ride to Eastbourne/Seaford/Newhaven with lots of flange:yum on the beach front etc:)
    • Like Like x 2
  16. Lots of Flange?
  17. Hope you’re not taking about my Mum, she lives in Seaford. o_O
  18. Women:blush:
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