
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Richard 1200, Aug 20, 2019.

  1. Went into an Esso garage today for some fuel. Over the tannoy came “please remove your helmet” I was wearing my open face helmet so apart from my bold head what more did they want to see. I closed the fuel cap and off I went to another garage not far away who let me fill up no problem.
    Angry or what.
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  2. Go back next week and wear a burka under your lid. Remove the lid when asked and claim religion on the burka :cool:
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  3. I realise this is a matter of principle, but I tend to stick to stations with a Pay at Pump option to avoid the jobsworths. I think most Tesco petrol stations have this.

    I primarily use Shell's Fill Up and Go function though their mobile app. I don't even get off the bike or remove my (touchscreen sensitive) gloves. The app links to your PayPal account to pre-authorise a pre-set amount (I have mine set to £80, in case I'm in the car). The transaction completes immediately, and PayPal charges your default card with only the amount you have spent. Alternatively, you can elect to use Apple Pay, but I haven't used that option.
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  4. What about a turban???
    I go to pay at pump and don't get off the bike - sod 'em :mad:
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  5. Don't know if I've been lucky but never been asked to remove my helmet
    • Agree Agree x 4
  6. Jesus,they asked me to put me fag out, the other day!
    • Funny Funny x 13
  7. Filled up the tank twice today and no problems:upyeah:
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  8. I get it now and again at one of my local garages,

    I went in and asked what do i do with my crash helmet, put it on the side shelf on the pump they said, what in all that crap and fuel on it and then smell petrol in my lid, on the floor no even more filthy, i said i will take it off and hand it to them to look after and mentioned if they damage it they own it and its £1000 to replace,
    Im sure we know the Burka route would work due to them being called racist should they refuse fuel for not taking it off.
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  9. This fires me up straight away, I wear a flip up lid (so everyone can see my lovely mush!) and it's the LAW OF THE FUCKIN LAND that I wear a helmet, why do morrisons/tescos/whoever know better "it's our policy" IT'S THE LAW OF THE FUCKIN LAND! which bit of it don't they understand!
    Rant over (sorry)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. Drop your pants and say you can’t whilst tugging the end of your nob!:thinkingface:
    • Funny Funny x 3
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  11. if they ask you to take off your lid. Don't fill up , just leave the pump nozzle on top of the pump and ride off so that they have to get off their arse and come out to put it back in service.
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  12. Discrimination against gays I call that...
    • Funny Funny x 2
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
  13. I had this bother a while back at a local petrol station, when I suggested what if it had been a Burka I was wearing he hit the fuckin roof and barred me!
    The Dick.
    • WTF WTF x 2
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  14. Had it out with loads of garages, its called 'a polite policy' that the police forces want enforced. Because as we all know the police love cctv footage or recordings of their own wrongdong..

    I'd of complained & caused issues
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  15. I was once by an Asian. I refused. They eventually let me fill up and I went in to pay (still with my helmet on) and ranted whilst I handed over the payment.

    Two guys behind me in the queue applauded me as I left (and not sarcastically I might add)
  16. I guess it might be different with an open face helmet but I’ve always just taken mine off before going in. Just seems like the right thing to do as a covered face can be quite intimidating.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. I have only been asked once, ever, I do have a flip up lid. Yes it is easy to remove your helmet, but the real pain as far as I am concerned is that once I have my earplugs and helmet all snug and comfy, it is spoiled by removing helmet, so my day is ruined!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. Give them some sign language, when they come out, just tell em 'fill her up and no drips on the tank' if they refuse, go in an steal a can of red bull and a bag of skittles.
    • Funny Funny x 2
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  19. I always pay with cash so if they've attitude dropped the money off on the counter & walkout without removing the said item,easy peasy:upyeah:
  20. Mine too was an Asian chap, I might like to add.
    Also a flip up lid.
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