Multistrada 1200 Centre Stand Any Good?

Discussion in 'Clothing, Gadgets & Equipment' started by Misterpink, Feb 21, 2017.

  1. I plumped for SW-Motech. It arrives today so I'll review for anyone else thinking about it!
  2. Sorry had a week in hospital in France, at the end of my Dolomites trip, on a drip thanks to almost dying of septicaemia...

    Stand fitted to my 1260 by the technician at the supplying dealer was meant to be for an Enduro.... Let's just say he no longer works there.

    Dealership were good about the issue though my first warning that something wasn't quite right was when, at around 200 miles, it ground out prematurely. I had the girlfriend on the back (she's slim but tall) with appropriate suspension settings. Could have ended badly had I entered that corner more enthusiastically. No hard-standing at home so hadn't tried the centre stand yet.

    I now have the correct stand fitted which is fine. Did touch down a few times in the Dolomites two up but at an angle of lean I'd expect it to.
    #22 Bumpkin, Jun 6, 2019
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2019
  3. “Yeah, but APART from that, how was the play Mrs Lincoln?”

    But seriously, glad you’re through that! And yes, NOW I get it re the Centre-Stand!!
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. Just remembered this - I promised a review of the SW-Motech centre-stand. Well, it wasn't cheap at £180 but seemed well finished and came with good instructions. Fitting was dead easy apart from hooking the double spring over it's spigot but I managed it after a few tries.

    Just came back from 2500 mile round trip to Berlin, Prague and Red Bull Ring MotoGP and used the stand a LOT for chain maintenance and parking in odd spots. Works a treat! Pretty easy to get bike onto it and secure once up, even with quite heavy luggage attached. With luggage on back, rear wheel still sometimes touches ground when on the stand but stand is at the balance point of the bike so it's easy to give a gentle push forward to get the wheel in the air.

    I read that the Ducati centre-stand tends to foul your boot but I had no such problems with this one, even when pegs-down around some nice southern Black Forest nadgery! :)

    So all-in-all, 8.5 out of 10, with it losing the 1.5 points for being so bloody expensive!!
  5. I’ve had no problem with the Ducati one. Very handy for lubing the chain and makes it much much easier to get on. Step on the peg and easily roll the bike off the stand once on.

    Obviously it’s a bit heavy to put on the stand when the bike’s fully loaded but manageable.
  6. Interesting. Having big feet Euro47, my heel sits on the OEM centre stand foot on the left hand side if I try and put the ball of my foot on the foot peg. Andy
  7. Well, my clodhoppers are only Euro 44 (UK 10 ish) and had no such problems but I've never tried the OEM one so don't know if it's different to SW-Motech.
  8. Well impressed
  9. Also have this stand and works well - one problem I have is that the springs slip off when it comes off the stand???? Any thoughts???
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