
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Richard 1200, Aug 20, 2019.

  1. From my most recent experience during the weekend before last travelling through France, Belgium, Luxembourg and Germany, most of the petrol stations we stopped at were unmanned/credit cards. The few petrol stations that were manned, couldn't give a toss but then I would probably not have been able to understand a request in the local language anyway. This whole topic is not new and quite frankly is utterly inconsequential. Get on with your life and try and make a difference where it really matters. Andy
  2. So you've seen it happen?
  3. Thank you XH
    It’s very important that we keep you safe and ourselves safe in a highly volatile area

    I was blase about petrol stations until I worked in one

    Did you know you should fill a petrol can on the ground so that you are earthed
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  4. Not personally and I hope never too
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. I do now:),,,, much appreciated:upyeah:
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  6. I have seen fuel blowback out of a tank into a customers face
    They were the same height as their fuel cap (tiny)
    It wasn’t very nice
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. I always sit on my bike :upyeah:
    • Agree Agree x 2
  8. I spent seven weeks in ICU at Wythenshaw hospital as a victim of a fire caused by a stupid twat (long boring story). Burns suck.
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    • WTF WTF x 1
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  9. I wonder how many times a year motorcyclists fill up at petrol stations and how many times a year the bike catches fire :thinkingface:
  10. The same amount as cars I imagine very little

    Let’s keep it that way and get off your bike :)
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  11. I never get off my bike when filling up. Neither did any of the 23 people I went on tour with. Or anyone else I’ve EVER filled up with at a petrol station with.

    If this is incorrect behaviour then awareness is very very low.
  12. Are you and your mates all tall, or ride low bikes? I bet most short ass blokes who don't get their feet down fully get off to fill up. I do!
  13. There were a lot of GS riders in the group and they weren’t the tallest.
  14. [QUOTE="dubcat, post: 1421041, member: 36999"

    Also - if you look at my posts you will see the majority are edited. For same reason as you! It's been gradually getting worse though - notice it in emails at work all the time. I read them back later and cringe at all the mistakes. Wonder what it is. Dyslexia isn't something you can develop over time is it?[/QUOTE]
    You are both not alone....
    • Like Like x 1
  15. Sorry, but utter tosh (policy, not you). Unless, of course, its because all bikers are thieves and robbers or the vast majority can't be trusted at a pump.

    Just because The Man says do it, doesn't mean we should :)
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  16. The paying public dont want to be treated like a criminal!!! Nothing more than that
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. IME abroad (especially trunk roads) you have to either pay at pump or may before.
  18. Why? :eek:
  19. I usually skip while filling a petrol can, from now on I won't :):upyeah:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  20. Exactly this. I mean I do put the plastic can on the ground when filling it but I don’t see how it’s any better grounded :)
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