I always punted from the Oxford end, of course, but I expect Gliddofglood favours the Cambridge end. [look it up]
Cheers for that ...... It's taken me years to get over the posh boy with rowers arms .... I'm not having anymore children Mr R I was never supposed to have any ! So they don't have to be posh anymore a bit of old rough is fine ...
Take me with a pinch of salt ... Im 99% of the time being cheeky. im a mad cow for sure . But not nasty ... There's no need to be nasty in my books. That's why I'm poor if I was a clued up nasty cow I'd not be poor .. I'd be sitting filing my nails looking for my next victim not looking clutch parts! A very very cheesy quote ..... But it was one I saw years back on a certain girlie show “Maybe some women aren't meant to be tamed. Maybe they just need to run free til they find someone just as wild to run with them.” I did not want to be tamed or tame him... He was wild once .., But now he is no longer wild or free... Infact I don't even know him anymore I'm the same .. Too crazy to be pinned down but when I found another crazy he ran. I was just joking as I have a love for loveable rogues. just enjoy the time you have I guess . Sorry about the nasty cow we are not all made that way .... Sadly there's a whole bunch of unpleasant twats out there ... male and female As for rowing ..... That's long gone
Sorry to go off topic There's not much reasoning with alcoholics ... I pity any child who has to live with one . I am an ex wife / ex GF of one ( that's the hell I ran from home straight into). At first you try and help .. Then you learn you can't . They have to want to stop. The worst thing I saw was him burying stuff in the garden. you know then you can't do anything. Blind rage is no joke either. I was 18 and used to ring to ask what he wanted for dinner ( and any of his mates who needed a feed). I was a military wife. I'd cook then one day he rolled in drunk and screamed Why have you cooked Chicken I want steak. The plate missed my head by mills . That was just the start. I was very lucky at the time I did not want a family. It was just me who had to get away. Thats how I ended up poor The divorce was hell apparently I was his wife and nobody else was having me so he refused to sign papers for a few years and the only way I could break free was state I was happy to just receive my Decree absoloute I then had to wait until time ran out and it went through on grounds of " unreasonable behaviour. He could not contest it and basically time ran out and the court stamped it . my solicitor given the evidence I presented thought I was mental. but I could have been fighting for years over money and belongings. I did not want to be Mrs ....... Wanted to be me. I said he can keep his filthy money. It should have taken a few months . after 2 years of overseas calls / yelling matches and being bombarded with crazy stuff I had enough. His next wife took him to the cleaners apparently I hope you get the result you hope for. Nobody need endure a nasty Alcoholic and certainly no child. ( when I said before I blundered from home into worse I ended up with a raving alcoholic .... Who couldn't even hide it in the end. I then married a very " sorted " person I thought. How wrong I was .. A clever one .How the hell I ended up with two I have no idea!! He learnt how to hide it from his Dad also a drunk. Add one or two Bourbons and turned into an evil git. The charm of cleaning up sick or apologising to people when they turned rude and nasty wears off. That was 21 years ago. Prepare for a devious fight as they are devious people .Sick people ...but only they can decide to get better .. Sadly always one drink away from going back. my friends bf been clean for years transformed himself but he said to me he can't have a drink and he can't hang about drinkers. That one drink is all it would take. Hes stayed clean ... We had a long long chat it was great to hear it from both sides. I really hope you get them out it's no life for anyone be it a partner or a child . It put me off marriage and probably is why I'm single despite a 13 year relationship which I jumped out of, I am petrified of who il meet next. Had my fill of nutters and drunks Just because she is their mum don't back down the courts are not stupid. Good luck .... I really really hope you get them out of what I can only describe as hell . OMG ...... Sorry I do believe the 2014 boat race is next week sorry !!!!