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Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Pete1950, Mar 28, 2013.
razzle = popup
The Bible -Fiction The Quarn-Death
Screwfix catalog notinstock
Ben Collins - "The Man In The White Suit" = Stig
Perry McKarthy - "Flat Out, Flat Broke" = Stig
The Wasp Factory - Excellent
The Cement Garden. ( as above ) excellent
How to keep a woman happy = sucker
How to keep a man happy = Sucker
The Argos Catalogue = Toot
I started reading it this morning. Very compelling.
bit harsh, thought it was easy, nookie and food ; )
@ Kev apparently not
Just call me Mr. Penis!!!
Life of Pi - Magnum
War and peace = zzzzzzz
The Road - grey V For Vendetta - Anarachy Watchman - Superheros? Dark Knight Returns - Pension?
Vulcan 607.... ingenuity
Vulcan 607 - perseverance Great book that. A really good read