V4 Foggy 25 Year Anniversary

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by DucatiSRT, Aug 18, 2019.

  1. S spec with trinkets and a wrap
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  2. it’s an S with the R front frame I believe and a few other bits. Not sure when it will arrive
  3. It’s a R if the one I saw in Ducati Manchester yesterday is to be believed.
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  4. Did they suggest any delivery dates? I’ve been told November possibly December
  5. They’ve sold the one they’ve got in the shop. Some wealthy Manc is having it bolted to his lounge wall in his newly built house.

    Apparently said wealthy Manc also has a room on the ground floor of the house that is 3 sides floor to ceiling in glass, with the back wall solid apart from a fire door to get into the glass showroom...........and what is he keeping in the showroom? A brand new Ferrari!

    Some people have more money than sense.
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    • WTF WTF x 1
  6. Hahaha that made me Chuckle , ex Military here I had to save for my 25 year anniversary lol
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  7. Looking forward to seeing one in the flesh & let's hope it stacks up for all that dosh:upyeah:
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  8. I have to say that it’s another one of those that looks better in the flesh than in pictures.

    Is it worth £38k? Meh!
  9. Are we talking about the 999 range & the PS :thinkingface:as i would agree with you,as for the price this is only for the well heeled folks as usual in life.:upyeah:
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  10. I’d forgotten I’d taken a few pics (apologies but the lighting was crap)

    7C6D24BD-7ACD-4915-979C-7EB1E24F4C35.jpeg 5DA9EC89-BCE7-4AFD-8B21-872595060520.jpeg 0E47CEE5-C8F5-432B-8012-B6C21AFDEC81.jpeg
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  11. Looks better in El Toro’s photos than other photographs I’ve seen - but not £38k good. To each their own, I’d prefer a ‘standard’ R (if a R could ever be described as ‘standard’!
    • Agree Agree x 3
    • Agree Agree x 5
  12. Don’t think that’s the aniver
    beat me to it, that’s what I was about to type as well
  13. Never ridden one, and never likely to. But my guess is that unless you’re Marc Marquez or Andrea Dovizioso then they’ll be ornaments to you.
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  14. Ahh ok..........Then it’s been painted then because I checked/felt the panels and it wasn’t just stuck on decals :)
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  15. That's one very expensive sticker kit:confused:
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  16. No date of delivery yet. Anyone have any inside info on when these will start filtering in.
  17. I think you'll find that some people just have more money. They probably have sense too. Which is probably why they've got loads more wonga than most of us.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  18. Taste is another matter though. Money can’t buy that. :D
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