So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. Trying to keep warm .....
  2. Trying to fucking sleep.
  3. Can't help you there I'm afraid; I know east London well but have never been there socially, only for work.

    Same as:frown:
  4. Me too and it's not happening :frown:
  5. Got there in the end about four-ish. Woke up at 1am with my brain buzzing with crap. At work now, yay.
  6. think you lot need to go to the doctors, suffering from stress maybe?
  7. Or a good seeing too!
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  8. Tax disc holder eh, very nice. May we enquire where you will be fitting it?
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  9. Went for a ride up to Northampton services to meet up with 1037 SPS off here so he could collect some inlet stubs on the bike he's putting together, hope they do the job coz it sounds like it'll be a real beastie when it's done. Then on to see my bro in law at his workshop near Baldock for a quick brew and chat before getting his Paggio scooter going after he moaned that it wouldn't run because it had Ducati stamped parts on it (it has), took all of 5 minutes and now starts on the button:tongue:. Next it's off to Mum and Dad as it's my anniversary of meeting them for the first time many many years ago before I head off out for a curry tonight to celebrate a bit more.
  10. Try 6 hours of non-stop gardening followed by a hot bath if you want to sleep.

    You'll be unconscious in no time.
  11. Too bleeding cold to do any gardening. Plus we don't have one. Just a very well designed deck area down to the stream that has stacks of pots on it that don't need any looking after.

    Anyway......what have I done today? I have been busily pulling together a proposal for a rather nice project that looks like it may just go ahead in Ankara. And I've been poring over the small print on a LOC for a poxy little order for Finland.

    Tomorrow I have a round robin trip planned to Bristol, Longleat and Heathrow (to take an Austrian colleague back) before driving all the way home to Yorkshire. My insomnia should come into it's own tomorrow :upyeah:
  12. Took the 998s out of hibernation for its frst run of 2013. Unfortunately burnt the hairs off the back of hubbys hand...............he walked past just as I was starting it and it backfired and shot a flame out one of the zorsts:eek: I couldent have done it if I'd tried deliberately,honest :biggrin: Great spin, god its tiny,and awsome , I'd forgotten as its not been out since about October. But I do hasten to add I have done 5k kilometres on the Panzerwagon since the 3rd February.
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  13. Properly shagged out. Been on site since 5am drilling thousands of holes into solid concrete ceilings, then fixing cable trays and pipework, all at full stretch. Feels like my legs and back are broken:frown:

    More of the same tomorrow. And friday...
  14. Took a days holiday from work and took my 14 and 11yr old nephews to the gadget show at birmingham. Enjoyed the experience although looking at some of the stuff like a 25k tv, you wonder who would be buying this stuff.
  15. Been up here again. Sun came out for a while but the wind was bitterly cold.


  16. Ooooo brrrrrrrrrrrrr
  17. 3.5 degrees it said on my temperature gauge, but it felt more like -30. Bitter.
  18. Chill factor -3 ...... That's a heatwave !!!!
  19. 12.5 C here :tongue:
  20. Did battle with a multi-function device (colour printer/copier/fax) at work. The bugger kept paper-jamming. It seemed like every component I looked at had a problem, so when I fixed or replaced it, I was confident the jams would stop. About the eighth item I tried, I didn't feel so confident and sure enough, it still wasn't fixed.

    It was like a conversation, with the printer saying to me, "Yeah, yeah, that bit was broken, but it isn't the fault." Bastard.
    At least I know what I'll be doing tomorrow, I guess.
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