Car Drivers Texting.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Sam1199, Aug 26, 2019.

  1. You’re such a slut. :p

    I’m afraid the young airhead in question definitely had a few decades on you. Nonetheless, I was not enamoured by her in any way.

    There’s hope for you yet.
  2. Watching tt classic on itv4. Brilliant
  3. I watched somewhere that a passenger is more likely to stop talking to you and is aware of what’s going on around.
    On a phone that person cannot see what’s going on so will continue to talk to you distracting you
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  4. Same, on my phone driving home....

    Reckon they are all texting compared to the speed mcpint is going!
    • Funny Funny x 2
  5. Fantastic. I like your thinking Chiz.

    That’s a beer on me!
    • Funny Funny x 1
  6. Ok...what about how many people have avoided an accident by have a passenger
    I was just about to say stuff like that!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. It's all relative :bucktooth:
  8. They had corded phones, waaaaay more dangerous o_O
    ITV4 + 1 in 15 mins - thanks for the heads up :):upyeah:
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  9. Yea... Like you said, there is numpties that can't even talk to a passenger without crashing.. and you want em to be allowed to text whilst driving as well?
  10. And look for rozzers - now go back and answer my question :yum
  11. And, as a species, we are hard wired to rely on facial expressions to gauge the other persons mood, feelings and demeanor. If you can`t see the other person, like when you`re talking on a phone, your brain gives you a sub conscious image of that person to try get clues as to the context of what they `re saying. If you are imagining the other person, talking on the phone and driving, your mind isn`t fully on the task at hand.
    It`s all sciencey stuff and happens without you knowing apparently, hope I explained it right.
    Probably safer to steer the car with your knees than talk on a phone while driving. Texting while driving, well that`s a whole `nother level of dimwittedness.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  12. It is Bradders.

    These bloody idiots know what they’re doing. They know damn well that they’re taking a risk with other people’s lives and just for some stupid little inconsequential message.

    At least drunks would admit they made the decision to drive because they were drunk. Had they been sober they’d never think of driving drunk. If you get my circular drift. It’s not a credible excuse but you can follow the logic.

    These f’kin shit for brains that text at EIGHTY MILES AND HOUR deserve a lengthy ban. Or worse, ship ‘em to Oz as Chiz recommends. They are clearly not safe to be on the road.

    They are doing serious speed and not looking where they’re going. If they die it’s their problem but other people don’t deserve to.

    I was the totally innocent victim of someone not looking where he was going. Now I carry a neck and back problem for the rest of my life.... for a text message! You surely can’t think that’s acceptable?

    No offence intended Bradders, your a good fella but I think you should consider this one.

    ............Are you just winding us up? Just for the sport?
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  13. If you hold your phone on top of the wheel so you have clear view of the road ahead and your texting it's safe. Hide it out of view and do it sneakily and Boom :bomb:

    Just playing Devils advocate here - I haven't used a phone while driving, even on hands free or for texting while driving for a couple of years now :innocent: but my points are valid :bucktooth:
  14. Some think that they can use their phone whilst driving perfectly well and shouldn't be punished because others can't..
    I can drived pissed like a fucken demon but have get taxis and stuff coz everyone else sucks at it...
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  15. Got my quickest laps on the play station while pissed :thinkingface:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  16. Serious post btw....
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. I havent heard anyone say that it should be allowed?

    OP its terrible what happened to you, if someone had been killed by a filtering bike should filtering be banned? Someone killed by a bike pulling away very fast from the lights wants bikes limited? Anyone ever killed by someone changing the radio station? Ban radios? An argument between husband and wife, marriage be banned?..... hold on.... not the last one, the last one makes sense.

    I dont think texting whilst driving should be allowed but i think bizzy bodie grasses should be banned for sure
  18. I understand that. It’s a question of degrees.

    Texting at 80mph can’t be right though. It certainly is lacking intelligence, to say the least.
  19. 100% agree, total moron
  20. So drink driving cool as well?
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