So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. I treated myself , you push a button it all explodes apart :) :) :) it's mine all mine :)
    I'm 41 ... There is no hope :( :( View attachment 13426
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  2. It's been 11 here
    Sunny and warm with a wind chill
    Managed short sleeves for a bit :)

    Just need to warm up the men on this forum :-D
  3. Do what I do ... Look around carefully then when nobody is looking tell it "work or scrapheap challenge for you !!!"
    Kick it , bang it , open all the parts then slam them shut .. It won't be jammed where it tells you it is .
    Thump it !!!
    Then turn it off and on ....
    Jobs a gud un ;?
  4. Been looking at waterfalls
    And walked loads
    And bobbed about in the spa jacuzzi hot tub sauna pool thing
    And going out soon for an Italian (food) ImageUploadedByTapatalk1365010680.536326.jpg


  5. What on earth is that?
  6. A waterfall?
  7. 1 tie fighter is that all
    i have 3 millenium falcons in the loft and god knows what else starwars
    just need that full size stormtrooper outfit :cool:
  8. He's obviously a townie :wink:
  9. I have lots of crap here :)
    Although sob the space 1999 ships elude me ... Sniff ..
    I like Robots ...

    I'm not a Trekkie .... No no no :(
    Darth Vader picked me up as a small child ( David Prowse in full get up)
    ...... That's sounds a bit wrong ...
    Gutted as most of my figures got broken at my old house :( don't know how :( got my boxes and my fav stuff was all broken.
  10. Today I read that one of my idols has terminal cancer. I am utterly crushed.
  11. Very sad a talented writer ..

    James Herbert died recently as well.

    I can't imagine being told right you have 3 months to live its not something tangible to me :(

    I have not read The Wasp Factory for years ..
    Poor chap.
  12. I bought an Ohlins rear shock for my 848, from Bradders. Nice to meet you! Good work. Steve
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  13. I taxed & MOT'd the 748 today, all being well on Sunday early doors, a run out to Willingham woods may be in order :upyeah:
  14. today I celebrated my 1st wedding anniversary.
    it ended like the wedding day.....wife pissed full of puke and no sex....
    she wonders why I spend time with the bike :banghead:
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  15. You seem to have misunderstood the meaning of the word "celebrate".
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  16. I'm not sure.... I was thinking of asking on a tax disc holder friendly forum....anyone know of one? ;)
  17. Do you know what, I've had a brilliant day....horses all well in the new paddock, been helping with the move so"she" is happy, got the Monster 1100s ready for the morn did two geetar lessons this pm made enough to take the monste rout for a 200 miler and we will fly......if of course it gets above 4 c........
  18. Where abouts are you two
    Are you heading to Hereford at all
  19. Caerphilly - castle today then home :-(
  20. Awww I would have treated you to coffee in my home town :-(
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