Beyond the pale

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Stressed Hippo, Apr 3, 2013.

  1. The opposite of the "if not Suzy Perry" thread....

    Anne Widdecombe anyone?

    Just pmsl, predictive text turned her surname to "wide combo"!!!

    There is a line that must not be crossed. AW is that line in my world. I cannot think of a worse fate.

    Can you? Who is yours?
  2. Margaret Thatcher.
  3. Margaret Thatcher.
  4. Not even in her foxy heyday during the '70s? i.e. when she was stealing milk out of the mouths of school children, bless her.
  5. I love maggie :biggrin:
  6. Anne Robinson has got to up there.
  7. Esther Ranzten anyone.....
    no,thought not.
  8. Margaret Thatcher's parents.

    They crossed a line.​
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