
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Jan 3, 2013.

  1. Been awake since 4.14am. This is a fucking joke.
  2. Grrrrr still up " Happy little trees " happy little bushes" ..., help me !!!!!
  3. My GP on hols so the other guy didnt want to give me a shot .....
    Instead pumped me full of pills which now sit inside me doing nothing until I am sick...
    Looks like back to neurology ..
    Another option is Botox in neck / head.
    Il happily try.
  4. Now we are on happy little stones?
  5. Ive been awake sine 5am today - hurrah.

    So I'm trying to re-load maps onto my Garmin that their update system kindly wiped off the other day when I tried to update it :-/
  6. This is definitely work stress related. I've been ok over the bank holiday and just one day back at work and I'm awake at 3am. :rolleyes:

    This is beyond a joke. :mad:
  7. Mine is purely a health thing. Bloody tonsillitis. I've been on site since 5am, no point sitting at home feeling sorry for myself.
  8. Woke up like I'd just been shot full of adrenaline at 1am, didn't get back off until nearly 4. Up at 6:30 to go to work and here I sit.

    I hope this isn't the start of my insomnia from a few years back kicking off again. That fecker nearly took me off, one of the worst years of my life :frown:
  9. May I recommend retirement? Since I retired from work, my head is no longer full of plans and worries, agendas and strategies. Sleeping has got better and easier. Of course you may be too young for that to be an option.
  10. Good call Pete, I took early retirement 5 years ago, and now have a little part time job to top the pension up and help pay for the nice things in life....stress factor ZERO !!!
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  11. You need to keep off the coffee
  12. I drink a lot of instant coffee, but that's fairly weak stuff in the scheme of things. I've been drinking it for years.

    I don't know, maybe my metabolism can't handle it the way it used to. Anyway, DB, I much prefer your earlier suggestion :upyeah:
  13. I guessed that all you guys in your 50s might enjoy being told you were "too young". It may not happen often.
  14. You may indeed Pete. My poor old dad popped his clogs at 54, so never got there. I am 54 this year, so I plan to retire early and get a part time stress free job ASAP after I am 55. Not sure on timing yet, but I am buggered if I am going to work until I die. Too many more miles to ride on the bike methinks.
  15. Seems everyone had a good time with the Sandman tonight.
  16. Woke up a bit early but the dreaded wide-awake monster gave me a miss last night. Phew.
  17. Must have been my suggestion :)
    I woke at 4 had a look in here but managed to get back to sleep
  18. Thanks DB. !t was a good suggestion but ... your follow-up failed to materialise :wink:
  19. Awww do you need some help to get to sleep ;-)
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