Lightened Flywheel

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by ck_uk, Aug 29, 2019.

    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  1. My 1098R has one and you have to be on your gane when pulling off. Combine it with a quick action throttle to leave you looking like a ham fisted loon when you pull away, trying not to stall it. o_O
  2. Larrys posts are legendary, he had sooooooo much knowledge and was a fantastic guy that decided to contribute extensively to the <spit>DSC<spit>.

    I have a lightened flywheel in the 996, was fitted by Sigma Performance, made a real difference.
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. I love it when sites steal stuff from other sites and pass it off as their own :joy:
  4. You stole that idea from my "Being in the Background on TV" site, you rotten boy.


    ObTopical: Never lighten the flywheel on a road going bike. First busy level-crossing you encounter will haunt you for the rest of your life. True fact.
  5. I knew that I had seen you somewhere before! :thinkingface:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  6. Had a feeling this would all go T/U at some point!

    : o )
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. I never mentioned the DSC, you just did.

    The DSC post is 2 years earlier than the Speedzilla one, and as you say he was very active on the DSC.

    I think it's you who needs to get over yourself Pietro, all this hate isn't doing you any good!
  8. So for clarity ...

    Where has this been stolen from and who is trying to pass it off as their own and what are you basing that accusation on ?

    Or are you just typing random phrases into the internet and hitting the return key ?

    Come on, don't hide behind ambiguity, if you are going to have a dig at someone do it with some balls ????
  9. It was a general comment about content being ripped off on the internet, but you were the one that you made specific about the DSC (again) not me.

    And if you want to talk about having some balls, you had plenty of opportunity to say hello at Silverstone. I even waved at you!
  10. Ooooooooooh.......

    fight fight fight.... only one way to sort this.

    Remember these??

    • Funny Funny x 1
  11. So not relevant at all then ? And still no answer to what was ripped off from where by whom, so not sure what your contribution is about, and still no clarification as to its relevance to this thread. You are perfectly suited to the club you lead fella.

    As for the dinner, I have no idea if you waved or not as you just weren't on my radar, and what has balls got to do with saying hello to you ? I had no interest in talking to you so neither sought you out or avoided you, you ain't that important.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  12. :joy::joy::joy:

    Comedy gold
  13. Always happy to amuse ..... but yet still no reasoning behind your random 'ripping off' post ..... you're the only comedian here fella .....
  14. As usual you just want to keep arguing when you've not even read what I wrote.

    It was a general comment about websites taking content from other websites, and then pass it off as their own content.
    It happens all the time; pictures on instagram, post on facebook, memes on twitter.
    As I said, I think it's funny because it shows that some people are desperate to give out a different impression to how they really are, which is ironic given your response.
  15. No, what I'd like you to do is explain what in this thread prompted you to post a general comment about content being ripped off ? Surely something here that you can explain to us to help us understand who the comment is aimed at or as previously asked are you just throwing random words at the internet ?

    Specific to this thread and the OP what was your rationale behind your post ? Its quite simple really, no argument, just seeking clarity.

    Or can we expect more general observations randomly placed on threads that they have no relevance or connection to ?

    As for your last comment, no idea what you are on about now, but alas clarity will be in short supply no doubt.
  16. I have explained. You just don't understand.

    I tried, but I'm just going to stick you on ignore now.

  17. And there we have it, true colors .....
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