Which Rubbish Old British Car Would You Choose ?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Robarano, Aug 31, 2019.

  1. Austin Allegro

    7 vote(s)
  2. Austin Princess

    3 vote(s)
  3. Austin Maxi

    5 vote(s)
  4. Morris Marina / Austin Ital

    5 vote(s)
  5. Austin Metro

    3 vote(s)
  6. Ausitn Maestro / Montego

    1 vote(s)
  7. Reliant Robin

    2 vote(s)
  8. Hillman Hunter / Avenger

    7 vote(s)
  9. Talbot Sunbeam

    12 vote(s)
  10. Vauxhall Viva

    10 vote(s)
  1. [​IMG]
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  2. i voted for the Marina since i loved the coupe when I was kid. Today it would be either

    mk 3 cortina 2 door
    Rover P6
    or Granada Coupe

    but maybe they are not bad enough?
  3. Chevette HS was a great car
  4. It's all relative, though ;)
  5. maxi was the car to have for pumpin' yer burd in :)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  6. Jimmy McRae won the world rally championship in one ;-) ;-) I think that makes it pretty decent. That and the Lotus Sunbeam oooft
  7. I had the Chevette in the list when I was compiling the thread, but the HS was always on my mind and everything else on there is shi**er. :innocent: The Chevette wasn't a bad little car compared to that lot. :)
  8. Correct. They are too good to make the list. :)

    As I've said. Nothing on the list would be any sane person's natural choice, but if you HAD to............. :thinkingface:

    I've chosen the Allegro as I'd have a Vanden Plas. :) I haven't done anything so perverse in my mind as choose a Metro 6R4, Sunbeam Lotus or Chevette HS. Those who have should be ashamed of themselves. :laughing:

    Love the video. "Here at Vanden Plas the car is given some rigorous checking." "Here for example they check that the doors really do fit" :eek: "Of course British Leyland could do this to all Allegros." "But that would cost you a lot of money" :joy:

    I wonder how many base cars they got from British Leyland where the doors didn't fit? :laughing:
    #88 Robarano, Sep 1, 2019
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 1, 2019
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. downloadfile-3.jpg did you have these pieces of shit in the UK?
  10. No, we had enough pieces of shit of our own, thank you very much. :thinkingface:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  11. Nope, you aussies and kiwi's had that pile o shite all to your self but carrying the leyland name you probably had the same experience in build quality, performance and Oh my fuck, why did I buy that.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. Never had the misfortune to own one. But yes the build quality was a lil British for sure....
  13. My first car was a 4 door chevette with an HS front spoiler and a rev counter. It had been resprayed black and I thought I was the dogs danglies

    I think your list is bang on, like your garage :)
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  14. I used to "borrow" my mum's chevette when is was 15/16 ish and take it rally driving on the local gravel roads...
    Great car.. bought one for my self a few years later.. ugly as fuck but brilliant compared to the other crap I'd had..
    • Like Like x 1
  15. a mates big brother had the HS. he also restored and wrote off more MG's than i thought possible. he did have a sunbeam tiger he restored then smashed then restored then smashed. he might still have it, haven seen him in quite some time after he got the Sack from BA and moved to India to fly their planes. i dont fly.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  16. I had an Allegro for a while (3 months) - it really was a rubbish car. Mind you, I bought it at auction in Southampton for £50 and sold it at the same place for £50, so it was very cheap motoring!
  17. 20190831_090114.jpg

    Not mine but on display at the Bo'ness revival this weekend. I'd have another although it was not on the list.
    • Love You Love You x 1
  18. Did he get the sack from BA for crashing one of their planes?

    I don’t think I would want him as my pilot
  19. Growing up we had a D Reg Hillman Minx, it was probably 11 years old when we got it. Total pile of poo. I managed to crash it, aged 6 or 7. Dad went into the shop and left me in the car. I jumped in the front seat and pretended to drive, knocking it out of Park (auto box) and so it rolled forward into the car in front.

    I got my first lesson on auto boxes that evening as opposed to a bit of a row
  20. Wasn't wearing my glasses there, but always wondered what Eric Idle did for his bread and butter!
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