Don't know if you are aware, but the DfT are giving away these Think Bike, Think Biker stickers - one per person, just fill out the order form - for you to stick on your Bentley, Rolls, Maybach, etc. Show your affinity to bikekind with a tacky sticker, I know I have If you wear a tinfoil hat and refuse to fill in online forms, pm me your address, I've got a handful going spare.
Here we go again, we'll have people posting about 'having that sticker will advertise you have a motorbike, thieves will follow you home and steal your bike' and crap like that. I have a sticker about the air ambulance in my van, hope no body thinks that I have a helicopter in my garage. What worries me more is the size of the bloody thing, it's almost A4 in size making a huge blind spot in your rear window" sorry mate I didn't see you in my mahusive blind spot".
You got a helicopter? :wink: I had one during the last promotion, have to agree they are flippin' big!
Be ideal to have a pocket full I can stick on the cars that don't see all 6 foot odd of me in bright yellow with lights on!
Ordered one, but it might end up in the bedroom window if its as bog as people say.. thought it would be standard car sticker size. Liked the bit where it asks you about your organization. I put "very good, thank you"
I think the biggest advert that we have bikes is when we ride the bloody things. Admittedly, ne'er do wells may not be able to catch us if they try to follow us, but what on earth is wrong with supporting this initiative without being so cynical? It is a bit like the high-viz debate. Some folks think it helps, some don't, but don't knock those that do. It may or may not make a positive difference, but it certainly does not make it worse.
Put what stickers where you like, when you like I really couldn't give a toss, my point was that in the last thread (or possibly the one prior to that) about these stickers someone suggested they'd never fit one because it gave away the fact they owned a bike, which I think was a stupid comment if that was you Figaro then sorry if I offended you.......
It wasn't me. I'm never prouder than when I'm being classed as a biker (or motorcyclist, or whatever you prefer), send me your address and I'll post a few stickers to you. Ride abroad, Drinky, and see what kind of reception you get as a motorcyclist - it'll be 100% positive - then come back here and see with better clarity how reviled we are in Blighty. A sticker ain't gonna change the world. But you never know, an impressionable kid might spot it one day and start to take an interest...
I ride/ drive abroad every year on my bike and car, have done for many years and know what their attitude is like to bikers and how that changes as you move through different European countries. My comment wasn't about whether or not a bloody great sticker in a rear window was going to change the opinion/actions of other road users it was more the rather idiotic view ( in my opinion) that putting a sticker in your window opened you up to being robbed.
That's a rather paranoid viewpoint isn't it? I've got a Chelsea sticker in my van; doesn't mean I'm hiding Lampard in my shed...