
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Major, Apr 25, 2012.

  1. When you are driving your car and another member of our motoring community decides to tailgate you to make you go faster what do you do?

    1) Go faster?

    2) Go slower to pi** them, off?

    3) Carry on driving at the same speed?
  2. Go slower.. because I think if they are going to have an accident I want it to be as slow as poss.....
  3. I slow down to get in their nerves like they have just done to me though on the past I have used my left foot to brake, that's woke the ****** up 
  4. I apologise for my wording dratted touch keyboard
  5. Keep the same speed but switch your lights on and off. They think you are braking and it gives you more room as you maintain your speed.
  6. Have you just been on a speed awareness course by any chance?
  7. If I can, aka have space and feel safe, I let them go. If I can not fuck them. I go at my own speed only.
  8. Red light awareness is better.

    You approach a junction and see light is green. What do you do.

    1. Keep on going at the same speed as it is green?

    2. Accelerate hard as it will turn to amber/red soon?

    3. Pay attention and be ready to stop as light might change any second?

    I would choose 2 but obviously replied 3.
  9. I think it's 2) 'officially' isn't it? - not just to p#ss anyone off. also - what m.o.o.m.c. are we talking about here..
  10. Let them past, then pull sharply out and tailgate them even closer on full beam to make a point. Oops, that's not the right answer is it?
  11. If i think their to close i simply squirt my windscreen washers which normaly makes them back off whilst their dealing with an unexpected amount of fluid!
    If they come up close again i repeat the process after which they get the message:upyeah:


  12. No they`ve not caught me yet!
  13. I normally wave out the window using one finger
  14. Brake test them till you can see the whites of there eyes.
  15. I just move over and let them past. Life's too short...
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  16. Brake sharply
  17. What about this one.

    If you were driving at "ahem" 60 in a 60 limit and you came up behind some twonk doing 50 or less would you:

    (1) pressure them mercilously in the futile hope that they might rediscover what the accelerator pedal does.
    (2) You and the other cars behind you match their speed, make no attempt whatsoever to overtake and leave no gaps for anyone else to overtake.

    I would choose (1) but I`m always secret answer number (3), stuck at the back of the snake of slow moving cars wishing I was on my bike.
  18. In this case I would first turn the air blue, then leave a gap and overtake at the first opportunity.

    But why is it drivers who drive at 45 mph in a 60 limit, then continue to drive at 45mph in a 30 limit!!! :mad:
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  19. I did have a tailgater the other morning when it was dark, I was thinking of loosing them then I thought Nah I would just carry on if he wants to overtake he can....then the blue flashing lights came on...:eek:....ooops
  20. Yep, its always the case. I`m no angel and I`m not perfect by a long way but I always try and stick to 30`s and 40`s, now a white circle with a black diagonal, that`s a different matter.

    What if its a bike behind you?

    I don`t brake and pull into the gutter showering them in dust and debris, I know what that is like. I just give a couple of flasher of the left indicator so they know that I know they`re there and leave them to it, right or wrong, its how I prefer it when I`m on a bike.
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