There’s been a great response on Facebook “Here’s some exciting news for you.......The DOCGB has a new branch for Ducati owners who live In West Yorkshire / Saddleworth / Derbyshire/ South Yorkshire and surrounding areas etc The inaugural meeting is this coming Wednesday the 11th September from 7.30pm at the Old Bridge Hotel in Holmfirth. Why don’t you come along and say hi and see what you can get involved in ? “
I’ll ride there I also chose it because it’s got great parking for bikes and you can keep an eye on them, not that you’d need to Oh and the food and drink is good too
The parking is for customers only, otherwise you’d get all God’s little children who wanted to shop in Holmfirth, parking there.
It’d be good to see you occasionally Errol, and we’d be able to swap the venues around as well to mix it up a bit