BixHill about 1700 anyone about?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Lucazade, Apr 6, 2013.

  1. Weather is nice so fancy a blast before work, anyone wants to meet up in Boxhill about 1700?

    Let me know by 1600
  2. Sorry, already been!
  3. Easy go back ;)
    • Like Like x 1
  4. Sorry L, just bad timing
  5. He weather is good how is that bad timing ;)

    So what no one? I will be on my lonsome?
  6. Looks that way Billy :smile:
  7. On my way Lucas. 30 minutes from now
  8. Cool just arrived waiting for burger
    • Like Like x 1
  9. Good to meet ya, brief but the least some sane person enjoying what might be the only bit of summer :)

    No time to go out but time to post that? Are you waiting to get laid tonight or something?

  10. was waiting for qualifying son ;)
  11. After Box went for a ride, got a good speed going with Mr R1. He was quite crossed that until 3rd gear he stood no chance and then overtook me like a rocket. After that Ace Café and noticed this, sweet:

    WP_20130406_003.jpg WP_20130406_004.jpg WP_20130406_005.jpg WP_20130406_006.jpg WP_20130406_008.jpg WP_20130406_009.jpg WP_20130406_010.jpg







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