998 Final edition on eBay for ... £22,950. Wow. A trifle ambitious methinks. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/312763627545
A German import too, so mileage probably not confirmed. “No sign of use”, that is apart from the crater riddled rads
This ones better priced,IMO https://www.autotrader.co.uk/classi...price-asc&radius=1501&postcode=rh192ee&page=1
Saw this - I think the styling is actually improved compared to standard... https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/2018-DUC...510882?hash=item469ced57a2:g:Lr4AAOSw1cJdaUZP
Apoligies not Ebay. 1 key Part service history 400 miles of its 7.5k visit Like, how hard is it to drop it into Ducati once a year and for a couple hundred quid, if that, save thousands of pounds of value? Love to know who buys this in the end, guaranteed up to the hilt on tick.
Is this a printed price mistake or what.if not get to it PDQ. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/DUCATI-1...241964?hash=item4d903a9c2c:g:FngAAOSwiwFcmlO2
Why because they're £35k new retail & i've only seen secondhand ones at £31.5/33 etc,so to me it's a good price.
Not in my world I just didn't have the money and don't like the paint scheme, without those 2 obstacles I would have had a new one for £27K
It looks like whoever designed was also responsible for those yo-yos that Coca Cola released in the 90’s
Nice clean low mileage 1199 Pani... https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https://www.ebay.co.uk/ulk/itm/123898797979