1200 DVT Water Lying At Bottom Rear Shock Linkage

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by SteveE, Nov 29, 2017.

  1. End can/exhaust off, wheel out.
    (Not full exhaust)
    Best way to do it properly..
    #21 Shoboshi, Sep 12, 2019
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2019
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  2. Agree that's certainly the easiest way to unblock it, just a shame it gets blocked up again so quickly :(. I use a pet hair dryer to blast out the excess water and dry the area after washing, then spray with some ACF50, hopefully will help prevent corrosion :thinkingface:.
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  3. That’s easy enough to do, will check over the weekend, I also blow out any water with an airline when I wash it..
  4. The above procedure is not about unblocking the drain, it's about removing the lower shock mount so you can drill the hole out to a larger size, resulting in it likely never blocking up again.
  5. Will look into the possibility of drilling it out when I next change the rear tyre. In the meantime I use this after washing the bike.

  6. Was that in the tool kit :joy:
  7. I could not clear the water after raking around with a wire for a while so I used a blower to get rid of it. My dealer tried to unblock it but discovered the drain hole had not been drilled at the factory They drilled it, re-lubed the lower bolt and suspension joint and did a great job sorting the problem Great dealership Snell’s, always very helpful and knowledgable.

    It will be interesting to see if it blocks going forward.
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  8. Amazing that the exact same problem still exists on today’s 1260. Urghh
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. I use a blower too
  10. Blimey...You could always tip it upside down :cool:
  11. I washed mine yesterday and thought the same, it just collects there with no escape, an old towel does the trick but I have to say that's a poor design.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. There is a drain hole that gets clogged / blocked by chain lubricant it is above the top run of the chain and the Swing arm, link on here somewhere with pictures. A stiff brush can work or a bent wire coat hanger will open up the hole from underneath. access is via the cut out on the swing arm behind the frame.
    Yes the hole should be bigger so it doesn't block!
  13. Check the hole is there in the first place!
  14. Would never have found it without your diagram and still found it illusive. Nearly decided there wasn’t a hole there! It’s near the back of the part of the swing arm you’ve shown. I wire coat hanger did the trick! The first picture shows the water running through once I’d cleared it and the second photo shows me clearing it with the wire coat hanger
    D259A9E1-F478-4FE4-AEB9-B75CC6655F53.jpeg 6D257395-EDC2-4FF7-B5CC-9C5935F2E486.jpeg
    • Thanks Thanks x 2
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  15. ^^^^ Great picture, thanks.

    Like others i have a compressor, so so handy. Blowing water off the bike when i have washed it, adjusting tyre pressures quickly as i am 50/50 with pillion so the rear tyre is constantly being adjusted. Then there is the fact it is useful for airtools, tyres on the cars ... invaluable once you have one.
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