jahesus!!!! what a fat fucker... no offence to our in house fat fuckers (you look good and I love you) but wtf has happened to this good looking kiwi since we decided he is better off as an austrailian??
So he's now a fat australian...reminds me of when Shane Warne was batting against South Africa and one of them asked why he was so fat? He said cos every time I fuck your wife she gives me a biscuit!
A "boxer protector" seems to be a fancy term for a jock strap. This particular one was worn by Crowe himself in the 2005 film, supported by elastic and featuring a brown suede leather finish. Estimated price: $500-600 a divorce auction entry ^ from "Cinderella Man" words do actually fail me just now
I am Maximus Decimus Meridius, commander of the Armies of the North, General of the Felix Legions, loyal servant to the true emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next. And I’m a fat cunt with a huge mangina. And Virgo - today will find that all their questions will be answered and that true love is just around the corner. Capricorn - Charge ahead and use your emotions to fuel your fire, Libra. You have plenty of mental acumen today that can help break through any puzzle. New beginnings are underway in many areas of your life. There's no reason to delay any longer than you already have. Take this opportunity to live up to your full potential and make things happen for yourself.