Moved From Pirelli To Bridgestone - Wow !!!

Discussion in 'Tyres' started by SF Kiwi, Jul 11, 2019.

  1. Hey there SF peeps,

    I made the bold move of changing my rubber out on the 1098....and......WOW

    It's a totally different bike to ride, pin sharp and sticky as hell.....
    So, I've gone for the Bridgestone Battlax S22's

    These tyres from the minute I got on the bike were totally different, way stickier than the Diablos and faster to heat up....
    When the marketing says, "find a new confidence", it's true...these things allow you to push really deep into corners and power out harder...

    Fitted they cost a bloody fortune and I didn't get them from the above website but....having payed and ridden away, the cost seems worth it.

    My bike isn't for touring on and I'm not planning on it any time soon, so....this rubber is for A road hooning, and outright mantal-ness.....I think they deliver.

    If anyone wants to contact me with questions then feel free....I'm not on the payroll, I just love sharing knowledge.....

    Very happy Kiwi
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  2. Glad you’re happy on the S22s. I’ve had a set on a ZX10 and agree, great tyre. However, if you’re comparing against the OEM Diablo Rosso 2 it’s not really a fair comparison. Much older tyre design with a different brief.

    In contrast I’ve also had the Corsa 2 which I think is a more directly comparable Pirelli offering, and they’re amazing - prefer them to the S22, so Pirelli vs Bridgestone is not clear cut!

    What I’ve not ridden on, but thinking of trying next time on the Streetfighter, is a Rosso 3. I’d be interested to hear how they compare?
  3. Thanks for your thoughts and a mate of mine is also going to try the Rosso 3's...he's on 1199. So hopefully he'll be able to shed some light too. He currently has the Corsa 2's and is suffering from a lack of feedback on the front.

    I think going from the OEM Rosso 2 to the S22's has been wonderful and confidence-inspiring, so I'll stick with that (stick with that)

    You will have to forgive my comparison as the Corsa 2's have been the only tyres I have changed from on the SF as I have only had the bike for 4 months. I'm guessing these won't last too long before I'm changing again. Might keep the Rosso 3's in mind.

    Thanks agian.
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  4. Its on my list of tyres to try....ive just gone wildcard and gone for Michelin Power Cup Sports on the Hyper...and midrange avons on my zed. Corsa III's on the RSV are getting low and while i was planning on getting supercorsa's back on the RSV4 i may go that way..

    Im happy with both but, im making a point of trying different tyres and trying a wide spread of manufacturers but staying in the mid range to sports tyres...
  5. I’m not sure I’d notice the difference what tyre I had on :confused:
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. I think a fair comparison would be S22 vs Supercorsa SP V3.
  7. Square one you would
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. It’s a pity I can’t do 2 emojis, ‘funny’ and ‘agree’ ;). Yep, I reckon I’d notice a square one alright:upyeah: - just about
    • Dislike Dislike x 1
  9. Id say the S22 is more akin to the M7RR. Bridgestone R10 is more like the Supercorsa....i bought a set of M7RR's some years back after stupidly reading a review which pitched them against the Supercorsa...the were crap compared to the supercorsa...which for me is still the best tyre ive tried to date...and will be getting more for my RSV4...ill be trying the S22 on something else (probably my z1000) though...
  10. I used to think that. But years ago (can’t remember what bike), I went from Dunlop to Bridgestone and noticed a huge difference in handling and performance. I guess it could have been psychological but I felt far more confident on the Bridgestones.
    • Useful Useful x 1
  11. Confidence is the key. I’m too afraid of wiping my bike out (or phoning SWMBO from hospital:().
  12. Have to agree about noticing handling and performance....I noticed as soon as I left the garage...and then came the psychological....I'll most probably "stick" with theses S22's They are insanely sticky..
    • Useful Useful x 1
  13. I have them on the 748. So far, very impressed.
  14. :motorcycleduc:;)
  15. Wowwwwww
    S22’s are the absolute shiz.
    I’ve just got back In from a couple of hours terrorising the Cotswolds on a new set of s22’s on my 1199 and can safely say they are the best tyre on road I have ever used.
    Straight in to action with them and absolutely confidence inspired ride I’ve just had, Rev limit light flashing away on the panigale is a beautiful sight and it just felt like I could push these things as hard as I liked.
    They even made my suspension troubles seem not too bad they re that good.
    Did I see you @cookster in Cirencester On the panigale r? If not whoever it was hello.
  16. Front is especially planted I find.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. Absolutely stuck to the road and pin point accuracy through corners
    Amazing! I might take up Moto go now lol
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Like Like x 1
  18. Yes yes yes.....

    I rode from Newquay to Silverstone and back in a day ( failed Db check ) and that's 750 odd miles and about 13 hours riding. Still, they have original shape....That's after putting a few hundred on them first. Off to Silverstone on them on the 27th ( new can ) so we'll see how they fare.
    Can't wait
    • Love You Love You x 1
  19. Insane, Kiwi!
    There's 2 words you don't often see together! Much, haha.
    After a Mallory Park track day, I had to ride home 2 1/2 hours and was really pooped, rained also! Now I always hire a van. Can have music, coffee, heater and paddock stand with tools. Wouldn't do it any other way now. You guys down there are a bit stuffed for circuits, too. Dave
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