
Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by Major, Apr 14, 2012.

  1. the finish on my 848 is p!ss poor so cant get any worse lol
  2. I have an Audi and the positive that can be taken from the takeover IMO is good customer communication. This ranging from servicing, parts, warranty etc. Ducati is worse than crap and Audi's is at the other end of the spectrum.
  3. How dare you.....Audi are far better than those other two German companies......I may be a little biased as I work as a master tech at an Audi dealer!!!
    #23 baylissboy, Apr 23, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2012
  4. Seconded!!
  5. I have nothing against Audi as a company, but if there was ever a marque of car that is going to pull over and try and stop me filtering I can almost guarantee it will be an Audi. I am sure they are not all rude as some of you drive them, just the majority of them round here.
  6. I rode Italian style, now I have console myself with german engineering ie vorsprung durch technik . Should have bought the BMW gs 1200. Naa not really, still love the Duc....

    Let's hope and pray Audi will do the right thing....
  7. I don't think for one minute Audi will be changeing too many things!!
  8. Its been on the cards for a while by the looks of it



  9. previous audi tie ups with motorcycling

    auto unions previous attempts at building bikes

    certainly has style

    auto union bike.jpg
    • Like Like x 2
  10. OK time to come clean. The reason I first started to dislike Audi`s was because of the drivers for the reasons above. They are also top of the list for tailgating, with the exception of when I`m driving the Porsche. I`m sure all you Audi driving Ducati owners are the exception, but could you enlighten us as why other Audi drivers have such a bad reputation?
  11. re tailgating, just get out of the way : ) f'ing Picasso drivers...

    I've been driving Audis for more than 20 years. When I started driving them, all the idiots were in BMWs. Now, they've moved to Audi.

    Edit: however, I do notice that when I'm driving my Rangie, people are much nicer to me. Maybe part of the problem is not the Audi drivers
    #31 JerryXt, Apr 25, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2012
  12. So you dislike the brand because of the few people who use it badly? Come on Major, that's not logical & you seem to be a rational guy?
  13. Here's my take for what its worth.......

    Mrs Arquebus hates Audis because of the aggresive drivers who drive up her pipe and try to intimidate her...its not isolated to one or two, it seems to be all of them....

    She also loathes the silly Christmas tree lights that are highly irritating when they are that close in the mirror.....I'm inclined to agree with her on that fact the bl**dy lights are breeding and are appearing on all sorts of make of cars.

    However I don't dispute that Audi build and design quality are A1; and if they can match that with customer service and warranty etc, then they must be a good deal.

    With regard to Ducati, several of you know what my opinion is of them...but I will repeat it........My only ownership experience of them has been my SS, but I get the impression that they made them up as they went along, knew little about paint and finishes (they don't think it rains in the UK); and left you wallowing in misery when something went wrong even if it was under warranty...Dealers like Moto Rapido do their best to correct this, but even so, I have looked a newer models than mine in various showrooms and still have the same impression.....

    I only hope Audi can transfer some of their expertise into Ducati and drag them by the scruff of the neck until what should be a top of the range product is faultless.....Sadly, I think the effort (if it happens) will be wasted.

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