ha, Luxembourg. i bet they have been waiting 5years for revenge. after better together edited one of their statements to make it look like they where going to block us joining of the EU.
Heard it on the radio. What a rant. Is the population of Luxembourg it the same as about the London Borough of Richmond? Either way. Boris heading off with his tail between his legs was poor and not very David Banner
My unrealistic thought here was that BoJob, incensed that an overconfident EU has sought to further humiliate their already housebroken MayBot2.0, suddenly decides to turn the tables on his EU masters and actually takes the UK out of the EU. Heh. It's a dream, I have.
Are we in the realms of “it’s anyone’s guess”. As to what’s going to happen followed by riots which ever way it goes ? If I were in Favour of leave I would be furious with a deal based on Mays attempt. I have no enthusiasm as it is from my actual viewpoint
Regardless of which side you're on, Luxembourgs actions show incredibly bad form and nothing short of show boating, like they're some shining beacon of light and don't move in circles of tax evasion etc As for the protestors, well, not exactly showing them in a non extreme light either, get a fucking grip you hysterical bunch of pansies Funny really because if there was a bunch of leave voters chanting as loudly they'd have riot police in place and it'd be called 'scary' or 'offensive' Piss poor on all accounts
Interesting article in the German publication WELT Germany and an article by the Germany DIW otherwise known as the German Institute for Economic Research or more commonly, DIW Berlin is one of the leading economic research institutes in Germany. The article by their director suggests it's now time for a hard brexit https://www.welt.de/debatte/komment...r-Der-harte-Brexit-ist-die-beste-Loesung.html
Does it state what the motive for that might be? For example France are just fed up with the U.K. and don’t care. Interesting use of language concerning NI “A return to civil war” as opposed to using the word “terrorism”
Unpopular opinion: BoJo is not working against the EU, he is MayBot 2.0 employing different tactics to ensure that British Independence is actually BrINO. We are maybe three weeks away from seeing incontrovertible evidence that Boris Johnson intends to betray the Brexit Referendum. We already see indications of it now. The Luxembourg stunt is a stunt, of course, but it wasn't intended to embarrass Boris but instead, further establish his "Leaver" credentials in the eyes of the Public. What makes it all the more delicious for the immoral EU politburo is that they get to appear to embarrass the British PM, they rile up the UK population AND they get to play puppet theatre to bamboozle the UK so that the country sleepwalks into some Berlin-authored Withdrawal Agreement 2.0 abomination, where the EU removes the stipulation to piss on the UK but leaves shitting on the UK in place. We'll see.
yip, and farage is secretly working behind he scenes for the, Christian Democratic Union. man o man, I guess it was this kinda paranoia that led some, many? to vote the way they did in the first place. or maybe its just an uncontrollable need to type something. anything. he is not working for the EU. he is working for the Hedge Fund managers, the Land owners, the Oil companies, the tax avoiders, a select bunch of tory, labour, liberal party donners. if he aint careful, he is away to lose near 40% of the UK's natural resources. and with the collapse of rUK's credit rating, that's awful lot of debt to service on the back of innovative jam sales. get a grip of yourself.
The term, "The Troubles", always struck a false note with me. The modern equivalent is Ilhan Omar's infamous 9/11 reference "some people did something". A sanitising, devaluing term for what was a combination of "murderous criminal enterprise", "love of power" "love of murder" and "self-aggrandisement". I've never liked that term. Language shapes thought.