This sentence came up on a thread a minute ago (You have insufficient privileges to reply here) more boll%*s than a knackers yard comes to mind.
Well,you are probably white and male - obviously you lack privileges in the modern world. Although why a piece of motorbike forum software would want to remind you of all this, I do not know.
Parents while pushing their precious toddler in a buggy who are transfixed by their mobile phones ...I had one yesterday cross the road in front of my moving car completely oblivious to what she was doing ( not on a crossing point eg the traffic had right of way ) obviously I stopped but she didn’t look up at all I swear, almost like using her child as a way of stopping the traffic, incredible and frightening .. X
People that go to the pay at the pump petrol pumps at supermarkets who then go into the kiosk to buy food or to pay for their fuel. I nearly ended up fighting yesterday due to somebody filling their car up and sitting on the pump whilst his wife went in. I was on the bike, all he had to do was move forward a foot so that i could fuel up and actually PAY AT THE BLOODY PUMP! Oh and pricks in cars that spray you on the bike as they use their screen washers whilst driving. I think i need to carry a water pistol and start spraying water in their face as i overtake . (I think i may have anger management problems.)
My workmate who, for ages, scrapes the bottom of his ambrosia pot every day, trying to get every last drop out of it.
I had a work mate who used the lick the foil lid five or ten times after he opened up his yoghurt pot. I cannot count the number of times I was n the point of yelling at him, "WTF Adrian, are you five fecking years old?!".