Having lived in the wilds of North Northumberland for the last 20 years, I've never had a problem with "noise".......but having moved onto a housing estate 40 miles south the neighbours are getting restless about the unbaffled Termi "amplifiers" on the M1100s......so SWMBO has issued a decree, make less niose, so today DB killers in for the first time since bike was new, but it sounds shite....who else lives on an "estate" and gets away with unbaffled Termis??? I need evidence to support my case in the Court of Appeal for removal of the DB killers.....
Buy a sound metre, make recordings of ambient noise to check if there are other noise sources that match your own or are the least over 85db like cars and so on. I believe H&S noise regulations mean that short term exposure to noise between 85 and 100 can not be longer then 4 min. Check bike at idle how noisy it is from reasonable distance. Record it to compare it to ambient noise, then record as you set off (times of exposure are important). Then challenge asking for their measurements to show your bike is the problem (if they do not have it then your word against theirs) compare to yours. I do not think they can make decision something is noisy without proof?
Luca mate thanks for that, the bike is well loud at over 115db so I guess I is guilty as charged!!! Like.......
Thing is what is it at tick over? There are times associated to noise exposure. 115 for few seconds is not against H&S. Obviously this is not work but you can use them as guidelines: Noise levels What are the action levels and limit values? The Noise Regulations require you to take specific action at certain action values. These relate to: the levels of exposure to noise of your employees averaged over a working day or week; and the maximum noise (peak sound pressure) to which employees are exposed in a working day. The values are: lower exposure action values: daily or weekly exposure of 80 dB; peak sound pressure of 135 dB; upper exposure action values: daily or weekly exposure of 85 dB; peak sound pressure of 137 dB. The actions you need to take are described in the rest of the employers' web pages. The flow chart in Figure 1 will also help you decide what you need to do. There are also levels of noise exposure which must not be exceeded. These are called exposure limit values: daily or weekly exposure of 87 dB; peak sound pressure of 140 dB.
Using that you do not subject your neighbours to dangerous levels as at their home noise will be well below that anyhow and you measure noise not at point of noise but rather destination. They will go for Hein antisocial but that is a point of view as if you ask duke owner, like me, it is a lovely sound and antisocial for me is your neighbour complaining. Finally it is not proven beyond doubt your bike noise causes long term health problems for neighbours same way as it is not that loud cans save lives so you can use that as well I would. I think it is all academics as there is no noise law outside of work so you can only use H&S as guidelines just like who ever convicted you can also as guideline only.
Jeez man youre a mine of info, thanks for that, have printed your last reply and will discuss when she returns from her mothers this evening.......will let you know if my bollocks are still attached to my body!!!!!!! Cheers bud
At work recently I have been "given a pleasure" (read forced) to become H&S responsible person at work so they are sending me shit loads of trainings. Me H&S when I lough at 85db as my clutch is that noisy
Exactly noise is subjective, it is unnecessary exposure and at stupid times that can make it or brake it.
Luka you say that at work you have been ( given a pleasure ) some people get all the good jobs. Steve
Tickover/blipping throttle......god knows what its like for a track day, have only ever done Knockhill where loudness is encouraged!!!
So a not very subjective test then................ignore the whining wife and ride slowly of the estate. A blip of the throttle is no way to test noise levels. 5500rpm and 1m away from the exhaust at 30degrees I think is the correct test. And with a calibrated soundmeter, not an Iphone app thing
I live on an estate, have loud can and even come and go in the wee hours of the morning and no one has ever said a word. If you're talking between 0830 and 2200 I wouldn't even worry about it
115 db is loud, apparently, excellent, keep up the good work You could always buy a chainsaw just for shits and giggles, hey, it's quieter than your bike!! Decibel (Loudness) Comparison Chart
Greyman, I do indeed have a STHIL "comfort" short bar chain saw, now there is a thought, fire that up at 3am and see what reaction I get.......
The problem with a lot of people is they have nothing better to do than moan like fuck at anything that doesn't fit into their nice orderly Daily Mail supplement lives. I digress. More of a Husky man myself but a Stihl's a good second :wink:
Agree !!! I live in town next to two neighbours who don't like bikes My termis are cut down to bean can size and I baffled ... Next door but one loves my bike.. She says her kitchen rattles and mines only a 600.. People do swivel round when I go past and I have set of car alarms a few times.. I am making my bike louder !!! Unless its at stupid I clock that your outside at 1am blipping the bike or 6 am .. Stuff it!! Say could be worse you could have a bike that's spits "potato potato potato " which in my opinion is worse!!! I get sick of being woken up at 3am 4 am 6am I get sick of drills , DIY bonfires .. Next doors practising opera . I have to put up with All that crap!! I can't say nothing as its what normal folks do .. Well it gets on my lady lumps when someone decides to do DIY all weekend!! I'm sorry it's about compromise .. Are you sure it's not just the Mrs.? Well ... If she loves you she should let you take out DB killers because " loud pipes save life's" and by putting the Killers in its putting your life more at risk which is terrible and a good woman would never dream of putting hubby at risk So I do believe by putting The killers in making bike quieter it is of course putting you at risk as people may not hear you coming .. This is a gross threat to your personal safety on the road and one any good woman would NEVER inflict on her man ( ) Failing that no Eastenders for her or she will have to watch on mute As you find Dot Cotton and Co's voices too noisy and grating Compromise ... Failing that " nooky strike" .. ( joking) Hope that helps ( I should have been a man )