Gearbox Issues with MTS 1200

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Vampire, Jul 28, 2012.

  1. Whilst riding the twisties in North Wales for a weekend my MTS 1200 starting dropping out of 2nd gear into neutral (not a false neutral). I called the dealer and a technician claimed not to know what the issue was. Over the course of the next 2 day's the issue occured at least 20 times.

    I called the dealer again the following Monday and spoke to the owner who said he'd ordered the parts. Very stange as he'd not even seen the bike at this stage. So I asked how he'd been able to do this and he said Ducati know about this problem but don't know what bikes the suspect parts have been fitted to (gear selector barrel). I expressed surprise that a general recall had not been instigated as it's a potentially lethal fault (all engine braking and drive is obviously lost)..!

    He also said that he knew exactly how long it would take to do because he'd "done loads of them".

    Beware!If this happens just once, get the bike to a dealer. In my case the issue occured on a completely random basis.
    • Useful Useful x 1
  2. This happened to mine. Ducati dealers know full well that it exists. So I'd be having a word and explaining to them not to sod you about in the future.
  3. Good luck, they had mine for about 4-5 weeks, mainly awaiting parts. No probs now.
  4. What was the mileage ?
  5. About 700.
  6. Vampire, what's the name of your dealer?
  7. There was an MTS here in Aus completely replaced because of this issue.
  8. It's the 'gear selector drum (spring)' in the box. To replace it the engine came out from mine. A pal who is a Ducati Mechanic, unofficially told me 1 day when we were at the TT. Suffice to say that he did the job amongst others in Feb this year. You can ride it using 3rd gear but its unnerving tbh. You almost let the bike chug along/stall and then apply the throttle. Get your head around until its fixed.
  9. Now in my fourth month of Ducati ownership and a 1000 miles in and getting used to the little quirks etc. normally get at least one false neutral per ride out but the latest quirk nearly saw me off the bike and probably in hospital!

    Quick stop off at Squires on way home for day out sees me off the A1 through three roundabouts in short succession then back on to a stretch of the old A1 back towards the cafe. Anyway go through 2nd roundabout in 2nd gear and take it up to nearly full revs before braking before next one but just as I stop acceleration and start braking (I'm obviously relying on both engine braking and the front brake) it drops into neutral and I nearly shoot straight on slightly crapping myself as I go.

    Move on to today and I nip out to the local petrol station to fill up bike and test new MRA screen (soo much better by the way) come home via twisty back road up to 3rd then drop to 2nd for sharp right hander release clutch rev start to drop with engine braking and bam it drops to neutral again.

    Anyone experienced the same? Think its going to have to be trip to dealers as off around Alps in early July and can't be having that happen going down Stelvio etc.
  10. yes, the false neutrals in the gearbox are the only genuine problem I have with the Multi (can be between almost any 2 gears). I certainly agree it has the potential to be very dangerous.
    Now I have done 2,100 miles and the false neutral seemed to stop when I reached 1,000 miles.
    #10 DonaldDuc, May 27, 2013
    Last edited: May 27, 2013
  11. I remember reading of members here that had similar problems - of dropping out of second gear on early bikes. I think it was a selector problem that could be adjusted but not certain.

    Your dealer will have almost certainly know of it. Shame if it is still happening to 2013 bikes if thats what you have. Let us know how you get on.
  12. I believe the only recourse on this is a new gearbox. It is a known fault and should be covered under warranty.
  13. I too am experiencing more and more false neutrals. It was ok for some time but now they are becoming more regular - my bike was registered June 2010
  14. dropping out of second has been reported before and can be adjusted on the selector, don't know if its a dealer only job but should be fairly quick and painless.
  15. I have also suffered from this on my 2012 bike with less than 2000 miles, thought at first I wasn't 'stamping' on it hard enough, then blamed my winter boots but its still happening, more often when you are 'pressing on' a bit !! It has caused me to drift wide on a left hand corner, lucky no vehicle coming t'other way. Its in for service next month (SMC) will see if gets any better after that.
  16. Mines in for its MOT at SMC on Friday - I've mentioned it to them and they're going to take a look so I'll let you know how I go on - the service manager did tell me they hadn't had any others in with this problem.... He said they'll take it out for a test run but no doubt it probably won't do it then....
  17. #17 Wrecked, May 28, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 10, 2014
  18. Cheers for the replies, do need to use the search more often too!

    Off tomorrow so dealer will be getting a call!
  19. What time you at SMC Bob? will try and get there in afternoon and have a cuppa if your still around?
  20. I'm booked in at 9 so I'm hoping to be long gone by then but I did once end up waiting down there for 5 hours to get something done so you never know! :eek:
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