Rip Thread

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Rushjob, Mar 14, 2012.

  1. Ray Cusick, the inventor of the Daleks has died.

    Cre-maate! Cre-maaate! Cre-maaate!
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  2. Sure some tossers will welcome her death, but love her or loath her she was a politician with principles and a vision unwavering during her term. Right or wrong, would be good to have a few more like her
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  3. Ironic as it seems, one of the few politicians with real balls...
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  4. She will be remembered chiefly for forcing in the poll tax, the most regressive form of taxation seen in recent centuries.
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  5. There'll be many an ex-miner with tears in his eyes I'm sure of that.
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  6. Maggie Thatcher died today

    I had no idea she was 87

    I don't agree with a lot of what she did .
    But I admired her grit!
    She never backed down and she spoke her mind ...
    Unlike a back boneless lot we have in power now
    I watched the film about her "The Iron Lady"
    Meryle Streep did a grand job.
    I was touched to see how this hard often hated woman loved her Dennis
    And the fact she seemed lost without him.
    ( another case of behind every driven
    Person their is a partner who usually is their world and rock

    I did however admire her handling of The Falkland .

    A much hated woman or much liked.
    I was a bit young and uninterested to really comment
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  7. Lol Bradders beat me to it
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  8. By some. Not all. For many her successes, transforming union control over public life, keeping Europe where it needed to be and protecting our own people thousands of miles away.
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  9. Totally agree Bradders, like her or not. She makes the current crop of politicians look like the bunch of lilly arsed, expence stealing, policy bending, public deceiving, self serving maggots!

    There was many things she did that I didn't like but you could never accuse her of being weak, pandering to public opinion, deceitful, or dishonest.
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  10. As I said on Bradders's thread - ironically one of very few poiliticians with real balls !
  11. Tears of joy and they would be well entitled.
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  12. Yawn.
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  13. The news in extremely significant in this part of the world, and is likely to have ramifications far beyond arguments about themerits of the poll tax...
  14. Double yawn
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  15. Shame.
  16. R.I.P Maggie. Love her or hate her I'd swap her for the moronic loons in charge today
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  17. It seems there are some people that do and those that dont , some people take charge get things done and dont hand wring even if its not to the benefit of those that squeal the loudest.

    she wasnt a bend over and take it kind of woman ,and I dont think Dennis was a bend over and give it kind of guy.

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  18. I won't be shedding a tear for her.........on the face of it, some people may think (in fact the whole UK population was supposed to think...) that her style and policies changed the UK for the better; whereas in reality, the policies were so devisive they actually started the decline of industries; employment; hospitals; railways; electricity, gas, water, oil resources; council housing etc etc etc..........the subsequent and current crop of idiots have only tried to emulate her, but they aren't as clever as hiding or disguising what they are doing.
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