I never liked them either (cars or bikes) until getting one. Almost had a don't care moment, just wanted something reliable and thought about the S1KR. Rode one, thought it was ok and bought it - wasn't looking for the be all and end all bike. Love it now; its my daily commuter but is a load of fun at the same time. The aftercare is fantastic too.
Difficult to argue against. I test rode the R100RR earlier in the year. Had to give myself a right talking to as it was soooo easy to ride, great dealer etc etc. But, I dont think I'm grown up enough just yet....
NAILED IT!!! THREAD CLOSED!!!! https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https://www.ebay.co.uk/ulk/itm/172385723385
Buy my recently acquired Hypermotard. I won’t get a chance to use it until at least June next year and it’s a shame for it to just sit in storage!
In that case.. It doesn’t tick all of your boxes, but you could buy a brand spanking new Fantic Caballero 500! I don't think it's you(Scrambler? ) probably too slow and jury is out as to whether it would take a massive pasting to be honest. I almost know this is not for you but might help you focus on what you do want.