1299 Track Day Exhaust Limits

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by Nathanhu, May 28, 2018.

  1. so its that time of year where i seem to suddenly remember to get ready for upcoming trackday etc, and haven't solved issues form last year, namely full Akrapovic system on a 1299 and the current trend of TD noise limits being reduced ( im out in Germany and 98db is being pushed etc)
    so i am trying to review what options are open and what others have tried -
    1. Refit standard exhaust and flapper valve
    2. modify Akrapovic dB eater/baffles for a longer or more restrictive version ( scared of overheating the end cans with this option) link removed due to service no longer available
    3. SFP full system with long exhausts ( this looks like the viable solution, but principle of buying a second full system smarts somewhat)
    4. mixed system, Akrapovic manifolds / pipework and SPF end system ( hopefully to be developed by Phil in the future)
    5. hybrid system using Akrapovic manifolds and modified link pipe to replicate the standard clamp assembly so a plug and play solution with the standard end cans. ( may fool the 98dB or standard exhaust requirements from track day organiser ) this would require a cut and shut of the Ti collector pipe..

    so what are your thoughts? i have spoken to Phil at SPF and time is a factor in regards development(which i fully understand), so im looking at options that might have worked for others?
    i have a RB Evo fitted so Fuelling shouldn't be an issue ... famous last words...!
    #1 Nathanhu, May 28, 2018
    Last edited: May 28, 2018
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  2. Is 98db the static test limit or driveby?
  3. static for aftermarket cans/systems
  4. Ahh ok hence the drastic measures to reduce noise levels.
    FWIW my 1299 with akra cans passes the 98db driveby limit and is way off 98db static. Good luck!
  5. This was in an email from Silverstone this morning for tomorrow's Ducati trackday.

    Just a reminder about noise limits at Silverstone, here are some points to note:- All bikes must be fitted with baffles. Ride by noise limit is 102Db. Static tests are available all day if riders are unsure of their bikes noise level. The static noise limit is 105Db. Please also be aware that ride-by readings will take precedence over static readings in the event of variation. Motorcycles found exceeding this level will be ‘Black Flagged’ and statically tested. If found not to have a baffle, the bike will excluded from further track time.
  6. i think its a subject that will require a little more looking at in the near future, otherwise the use of our bike on track will be difficult
  7. Just discovered this issue myself FFS
    Anybody actually found a solution that works ?
  8. Stuart, what system do you have fitted? i am now using a Termi full system and it seems a lot quieter and passes drive by testing
  9. It’s the full akraprovic one with the up software Bit done
  10. it going to be a struggle to get it quieter, other than to extend the DB baffles, but this can cause damage to the exhausts with pressure and heat build up. i have a set of the underseat Termi fitted to the my 1299 but i haven't ran it on a noise controlled circuit yet. My 1199 has a termi fulls system and it seems a lot quieter than the Akra system, and i think the 1299 with Akra system was 106db ( bypass measurement) the 1199 didnt trigger the 98dB sensor..
  11. Yes I’ve been doing lots of reading and can see people saying pretty much the same
    I’m screwed
    I’ve seen inlet baffles outlet baffles but alone it doesn’t look like ones enough but together might get it low enough but at what risk to damage !!
    I’ve seen a company called storm exhausts there next on my list to call their systems look good so I’m hoping they can sort it

    Looks like the akraprovic will be for sale sometime soon
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  12. find Phil Smith or SPF on Facebook and shoot him a message, i have had 2 end cans supplied by him for non ducati's ( S1000rr and a New GSXR 1000) and he is a great guy to deal with.
  13. Yes that’s the chap going to call him Monday fingers crossed he has the answer
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