It is, of course, the 28 Member States which nominate 28 Commissioners. Nominees have to meet certain criteria (such as not having financial conflicts of interest) before their appointments can be confirmed. The President of the Commission proposes specific roles for each Commissioner to carry out, if they are confirmed. Since the new Commission does not take up posts until 1 November, there is still a month to sort out any problems.
This isn't the entire picture though is it Pete? As we have seen with the U.K., there is the projected budget and the expected payment by member states. For countries that do well , the top third who put in more than they take out, the 1% of gdp is rather a pr figure. gdp for Germany was in 2017 3.67 trillion dollars, in 2016 it was 3.47 trillion dollars so whilst the 1% of gdp seems to give a "equal" within the contributions. The reality is that the top thirds contributions can vary by hundreds of millions every year where as the lower two thirds who take out more than they put in, are incredibily unlikely to ever break even let alone put in more than they take out, even more so when some of the newest additions to the eu such as romania and bulgaria are rife with governmental corruption and fraud and are incredibly unlikely to ever give correct financial results.
Lacking crystal balls, nobody knows for certain what the exact GDP figures for future years is going to be. There are forecasts, which may have to be adjusted later to accord with what has actually happened. Therefore the figure which amounts to 1% of GDP may also have to be adjusted up or down depending on events. This is a statement of the bleedin' obvious. it also explins why politicians use % rather than real figures because the public might be pissed if they used the real figures rather than, Oh don't worry, it's just 1% of gdp Of course, the Supreme Court decision on prorogation was nothing to do with Brexit so I shouldn't really post this here.
That's because your are a blinkered to your own sides actions fin the remain side has corrupted the independence of the speaker and sought every dark corner of every cupboard for ways to stop brexit when the leavers try the same dark corners, they are claimed to circumventing the law even though they have done no such thing