Are you a sales rep for democracy (well, your version of it)? After all, you seem to love it with a high minded passion which hasn’t been seen since the days of Voltaire and Thomas Jefferson. Extreme Leavers’ sudden love of democracy (albeit Democracy v.2.0) is rather like Chancellor Palpatine’s weasel words in this clip from Revenge of the Sith, shortly before he revealed his true identity. For anyone who isn’t a Star Wars fan, a likeable imbecile (Jar Jar Binks) found himself manoeuvred by The Sith (ruthless and nasty folk) into a position of power for which he had neither the intellect or aptitude and then was manipulated by them into a situation where he handed over control to one of their number (Palpatine), who then declared a dictatorship. That all sounds very familiar. Like I said several pages ago, I fear that BoJo is just that “likeable imbecile” who will act as point man or a sacrificial lamb, and it’s actually whoever follows him we should be worried about. No wonder the MPs who got together to pass the Benn Act are nicknamed “The Rebel Alliance”
Thomas Jefferson was an astonishingly smart man. He was instrumental in setting up the government of a brand new republic along democratic principles, that is in every way superior to Parliamentary Democracy such as seen in Westminster, which has its roots firmly embedded in the traditions of feudalism, aristocracy and privilege, and which bears almost none of the balance/counterbalance mechanisms that grace the US system of government. Interestingly, Jefferson did this having just freed his nation from an over-weaning, tyrannical and anti-democratic empire. Would that the US had men of his calibre now. Would that the UK had men of Jefferson's calibre at any stage in its history. Ah well, if wishes were fishes, I'd be a professional match fisherman.
The French will do what they always do - sneak in and poach their catches, until chased away by the Royal Navy.
On a separate note. How do you lot propose to solve the problem of Gibraltar, where something like 75% of its supplies come via Spain and a large proportion of the population work there and vice versa. There are close to 30,000 border crossings every day, some of which are tourists, but a large proportion are British residents crossing into Spain for work and Spanish workers (largely service industry and domestic staff) crossing into Gibraltar. Naturally, Spain’s long standing and implacable hostility to UK sovereignty on The Rock is unlikely to dispose them to being cooperative about those matters anyway, much less so in the event of a no-deal Brexit. I was talking to a fairly senior civil servant who works for the Dept for Crashing Out of the EU at the thing I was at in Belfast over the weekend, and the absence of preparedness was shocking. Or are they just another group of people who will be abandoned in the pursuit of this insanity? Discuss.....
It has been said more than once that the only land border between the UK and he EU shall be on the island of Ireland. Perhaps Gibraltar won’t have one?
I don't know. Sounds to me that there are problems in the world that simply cannot be solved without the generous help of the EU, smoothing the way and coming up with all the answers. Remember before the Lisbon treaty, back when we lived in caves?
That's another one where we hold all the cards, there was a program on TV about it last year. The local Spanish Mayor was shitting himself due to his local economy going tits up with all the Spanish workers (if the EU wanted to 'punish us' that is). Thanks for listening Bannister Troll, my you have got it bad dude oh, and don't give in to the bullies, you look silly
It's only an EU plan to punish us in Ireland - it's the dick heads that support the EU council that need to see the reality - all blinkered they are, with dark glasses