January 2018? really, was it not you only this afternoon who said a few days ago was ages ago in politics? Find me something more recent mr double standard, tsk, beginner
Wrong again. As I’ve said many times, subtlety isn’t your forte. Earlier I was referring to conflicting statements made by someone regarding the state of preparedness of the port of Dover in respect of an event which is possibly going to happen in 30 days. His earlier (LBC) statement was vaguely optimistic. His later statement (today at the conference), which superseded that, was pessimistic and more specific. The report, above, makes long term financial predictions over 15 years. There’s a huge difference and if you can’t see that, then that’s unfortunate. If you are aware of a more recent and more optimistic long term report by the same people which supersedes the Jan 18 report, then please share it with us. I am really starting to suspect that you have that Dunning Kruger thing going on (the less competent someone is at something, the more they tend to over estimate their own competence at it).
More leftie warmongering bollocks for someone to get all excited about Absolute wanker trash though Go on have a wank over this gem if you wish my fluffy cry babies Quote: ‘Says the man who created the map’ what a fool...
actually, if you turn the picture slightly to the left, then the right hand side of that "dmz" looks like a bloke offering doggie and the image on the left half looks like another bloke turning his back on him and yawning. You ever been to Korea bannister?
The U.K. is brilliant at drawing lines on maps India / Pakistan Eire/ Northern Ireland Israel always ends up with milk and honey, peace and harmony
India is a Nuclear power your BREXIT party wants to slash foreign aid I don’t hate the UK, I just see its faults as well as it’s strengths. unlike you and your union flag circle jerking friends
exe, i'v gorra say, yer turning into another prize ass hat. calm down mate. and see your wee map there, am I alone in thinking its looks like a large intestine?
with the help of labour, its possible that the Scottish torys are going to exert, for the first time, their massive influence over the UK Gov and march us back down the hill and postpone the next GE. until march. . In England, Brexit has destroyed reasoned political debate and replaced it with a form of anarchy. In this, positions which once would have been regarded as extreme or to exist only in the realm of bampots are now regarded as reasonable. “Get Brexit done” has now come to justify a slew of reactionary invective ranging from intimidation of the British judiciary; threats of physical violence to female Remain activists and naked contempt for democratic institutions. When the British state’s own attorney general rages against the “dead parliament” like a latterday Mr Bumble you know that we are living in extraordinary times. . In Scotland, we preen a little and console ourselves with the thought that our political discourse will never descend to such a level. No-one’s suggesting that at the end of another day at Holyrood they’re all gathered beside an open hearth, linking arms and singing Sweet Caroline, but proceedings seem always to be conducted in a manner less squalid. We hoped too that this spirit would hold throughout the forthcoming trial of Alex Salmond on an array of sexual misconduct charges which he vehemently denies. It seems, though, that in doing this, we may have reckoned without the sheer state of squalid desperation in which both the Scottish Tories and Labour in Scotland now find themselves. . Each of these parties face an electoral apocalypse at the impending Westminster and Holyrood elections: the Tories as a consequence of their having been annexed by a hard-right cabal and Labour by the sheer incompetence and weakness of its Scottish leadership. Now, in the absence of any reasoned strategy to prevent this happening, they have signalled an eagerness to weaponise the Salmond trial. Yesterday’s Herald carried a report in which senior Scottish Tories are urging Boris Johnson to go for a spring General Election to take electoral advantage of “SNP turmoil” surrounding the trial. Knuckles could also be heard scraping the ground in the ranks of Labour in Scotland: “The best outcome for us would be to go next year during the Alex Salmond trial,” a party source said.
https://www.bbc.com/news/av/uk-politics-49897623/how-could-brexit-affect-music-festivals No interview with Roger in the BBC one though
Exactly. Unconditional patriotism is in and of itself irrational as it is based on the belief that your country and its people are superior to others simply because you happen to have been born there. It’s narcissistic and childish. I’ve also noticed that the more patriotic someone is, the more likely it is that something is missing from their lives - fulfilling work, a happy and loving home life, a solid friendship group etc - and it’s as if they are compensating for that absence. It’s a bit like when someone buys a dog after a divorce or a bereavement. I also find it very odd that at present, patriotism seems to mean trashing many of the institutions, ideas and elements of the culture which made this country what it is (parliamentary democracy, the rule of law, the independence of the judiciary, a general sense of decency, honesty and restraint), whilst also backing an incompetent government led by a dishonest bumbling halfwit and a project which is going to make the country weaker, more divided, more isolated and poorer.
Interesting. The BBC interview a couple of festival organisers who put forward a reasoned and reasonable argument that there’s going to be a lot more bureaucracy and the weakness of the pound means ticket prices will increase, but the show will go on. The other clip, which by the looks of all the flags and symbols scattered around the screen looks like it’s from a neo-nazi website built on Windows 95, interviews a musician who just shows up and performs, who doesn’t really make an argument as such, but instead just goes off on an inarticulate bloke-down-the-pub style rant. Take your pick......
Yes, of course you are correct, it was meant to be a bit light hearted to be honest. As much as I like music, I don't see music festivals being harder to organise as 'falling off a cliff edge' though.
Not aimed so much at you but more at the toxic twins. Where does the “falling off a cliff edge” comment come from, as I don’t remember that phrase in either clip?