ROFLing at the way the aforementioned mouth breathers keep rating my posts “drama queen” Kind of reminds me of scenes in Idiocracy, that film I keep posting clips of, where people keep accusing Joe of “talking like a fag” because they don’t have the brains to be able to understand him.
It's easier than typing it you Drama Lama - you are the epitome of why we are in this position, take a chill pill ffs you were cool....ish before you chose the wrong side This is no doubt more deserving as you are just like a little ill informed teenage girl
Ill-informed? That’s hilarious coming from one of the trio who had to have it explained to them by me that the European Court of Justice is not the same thing as the European Court of Human Rights. Can’t remember if that was you, Noob or Loz tbh, because the three of you are pretty interchangeable, sort of a gestalt entity like The Borg. Edit: Hope I didn’t use too many big words for you.
My memory is not what it used to be, but I seem to remember the remain campaign at the time of the referendum being focused largely on how you’d have to be stupid and racist to vote leave. hasn’t changed much in 3.5 years either.
If you think that, then it puts you in a very low light - you are a little out of kilt once nearly cool dude - in act your comment is quite disgusting as many of them have been. Take that chill pill as you are so far wide of the mark, deep breaths, calm down, and stop the ridiculous posturing. You will feel better for it McKilt - c'mon comment here...
To be fair that was just for comic effect. Some are both, some are one but not the other, some aren’t either. Also racism and xenophobia aren’t necessarily the same thing.
you shout at the tele, can't remember what you said or who too? and talk about the "borg" whilst defending the clone eu? Officer, pass us a new extreme remainer, this ones broken
You should chill out. See our posts which crossed in cyberspace. As to the rest of what you said, well pots/kettles, glasshouses/stones.
You’re doing it again. Already told you that I’m actually quite eurosceptic but I just happen to believe that what you and your nutty hard right acolytes are trying to do is sheer madness. But you don’t really deal in subtlety of analysis do you