as the title suggests, I was out earlier for a ride and noticed an abundance of fat people driving small cars.. notibely minis and those shitty smart cars. Is it a phenomena or do they not see how fat they are in the mirror and buy a small car like when fat girls wear hot pants like daisy duke and shouldn't but are obviously blind to the world and don't see the muffin top that us poor people do.
Extra cash spent on cars means less money for doughnuts, pizzas & rivers of alcohol? Though it could be that a side effect of a "very very slow metabolism" is a fear of open spaces. In a small car with a massive driver theres no space at all!
I have a suspicion that the smaller the car, the more room in the car parking space to get in and out of the car for the afore mentioned salad dodgers
You are all wrong, its actually to do with new NCAP regulations stating that the driver of any car under 1500kg must weigh the same as their vehicle irrespective of stomach capacity , weigh bridges are being installed at all drive thru outlets.
Errrrrr I drive a mini I ain’t fat!!!! Fat old men drive all the nice cars around here They should be banned it’s disappointing Get out and walk
The face of acceptable discrimination and ridicule. Take a round of applause. Can we have one for black people and BMW and Asians (Pakistanis) in E class too. While we’re at it, what about blacks people being criminals? Because they all are, right, just as all fat people (fat being a BMI over 22 ish for a man BTW) Are lazy, over consuming lumps who deserve the ridicule wankers like you give them. Fuck em if it’s upsetting and affects mental health. Fuck em if it drives them to suicide - save on the diabetes treatment, right?
Have you ever thought bradders, some of the people in this thread taking the piss, are indeed also weighty themselves and still have the ability to laugh at themselves, no matter what the topic? I appreciate you are going through a lot at the moment and most of the forum hopes you pull through and get better, but if you are looking to blame someone for your current situation and vent your anger, I think you are missplacing it at the forums door.
Nonsense. It’s nit hiding to do with me. Bit this is the last bastion of discrimination, openly allowed, in the uK. Fact. And it annoys me. Yes I am very overweight so maybe more sensitive to comments (and such comments affect how I and others live our lives) but it’s not about me. Same as if it was race. Or gender. Or whatever. As an aside, apart from my current predicament, other than larger clothes I have low cholesterol, strong Herat and lungs, even my scans Mon night showed I have zero chance of stroke (at that time). I dont need judgemental knob heads in my life. So out of those thread.
I'm genuinely interested to understand how calling a fat person fat, or a short person short for that matter, can be considered as discriminatory?
it’s what’s inside that counts with any of us, it matters not one bit should they be this or that or allegedly anything else. What do people remember when they meet you? That’s what matters most surely... Hopefully, seen as a kind caring understanding person with thoughts for others .. Albeit in my case, one with a big nose...! “Right, You call me big nose one more time and I will....... “ ©️Monty Python X