Dvla Sorn - Another Dvla Rant

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Robarano, Oct 7, 2019.

  1. As I've only got one bike taxed at the moment (1098R) and the weather has turned, I thought I'd SORN it tonight for the 1st Nov.

    So the 1st page I encounter on the website says if I don't have a reminder saying the tax is due, it'll be SORN'd immediately. I've never seen this beofre, but thought I'd do it from 1st of next month. Anyway, I find when I'm going through the process, it does indeed SORN the bike immediately. :confused:

    Screenshot 2019-10-07 at 20.28.13.png

    As I may want to use it if we see a decent day, I've left it taxed for now and will cancel just before Nov. I'm not sure how long the DVLA have done this, it's the 1st time I have noticed. Maybe they sneak another month's payment from you bank account if you don't cancel a good week or so before. Whatever the reason, it'll be for their benefit I bet. :thinkingface:

    Screenshot 2019-10-07 at 20.30.06.png
  2. I think it's always been like this :thinkingface:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Been like that ages. Wait til end of month then cancel, get biggest return that way too as they dont refund part months
  4. Everytime I have cancelled a RFL and declared a SORN, I can't ever remember it being anything other than the 1st of the next month that it came into force. Unless I've just done this when I got a reminder, I can't remember. :thinkingface:

    I know that, but see above.
  5. Just received two cheques back from DVLA for £45.50 ea :):upyeah:unless of course your well heeled like @El Toro then you would leave it taxed all year round
  6. I keep them both taxed all year in case I want to ride them, even through winter :)
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  7. Soon we will probably have to give a acceptable reason for Sorn and provide three independant witnesses confiming or a signature from an MP, Judge, Doctor, Bank manager or certified professional who has known you for at least ten years...
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  8. I've just remembered, I have the 350LC taxed anyway. :)

    Screenshot 2019-10-07 at 21.01.27.png
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  9. That's fair:upyeah: just wish i had a old shitter to use wintertime.;););););)
  10. You can still ride new bikes in the winter. There’s no law against it.
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  11. I just don't like all that cleaning thing with road film getting everywhere..:(
    • Agree Agree x 2
  12. I keep em taxed all year but what does fuck me off is getting a cheque back from dvla after I sold my car. I paid on debit card so put the money back on my debit as I don’t get time to go to the bank oh and I don’t think there any banks left in Oxfordshire as they are all now costa coffee shops and Turkish barbers
    • Agree Agree x 3
    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. Always ridden all year round. Did my first ever SORN end of last month because I still haven't finished my engine rebuild. Getting pistons back in is a bugger.
  14. More fun in the winter as the air denser so your bike is faster lol.
    Oh and all the geriatrics in their shitty suv’s Stay indoors and don’t clog the decent roads up doing 20 mph
  15. K y jelly
  16. Only because it's free o_O
    I still have 3 bikes on the road :yum

    But not for much longer :cold_sweat:
  17. Since the ‘tax doesn’t carry on sale’ all changes seem to take affect immediately. Maybe their system only works on renewal date (so you can pay for future cover) and today’s date for everything else
    • Useful Useful x 1
  18. Not for another 2 years :( 2021 it's 40 years old.

    I have 3 on the road if you count my commuter scooter, which you won't :rolleyes:

    My Vespa bought from @bootsam is the only one tax exempt, but it won't be ready for the road until next year. :yum It's my winter project.

  19. Oooh, I feel a build thread coming :worried:
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  20. :no_mouth:

    i might not have time. I started this thread by saying I have one bike taxed and find out I have three. o_O I have some riding to do.
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
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