Haggis was banned in Canada too for 46 years till 2017 and only let it in again as long as it didn't have one of it's key ingredients in, sheeps lungs making it effectively, a dodgy sausage and not a genuine haggis https://nationalpost.com/life/food/...wa-wont-let-you-eat-authentic-scottish-haggis
hasn’t killed anyone EU food production laws are more strict than American don’t see what the length of the ban has to do with anything I eat lambs heart regularly- it’s good
other than tit for tat horse trading fuck haggis anyhoo. and I bet you have noob. tariffs on 1billion pounds worth of Scottish whisky exports. and several other iconic products. all we can do is promote our stuff abroad. which was never done before. the UK gov is responsible for international trade. they need to get on it.
that’s because there are a lot of bigoted and misogynistic views aired here. So it’s easy to Holier than thou.
Hasn’t killed anyone..........How do you know that? Nobody has choked on a bit of haggis and died? Ever? EU food production laws are more strict than American...........And yet only America bans the consumption of sheep's lungs. don’t see what the length of the ban has to do with anything..........Because you intimated the British gov't should lobby the USA to resist subsidies on Whisky and started speaking about haggisas an example for some reason. It's been banned in the USA since 1971, long before the UK joined the EEC and no ammount of lobbying has changed the fact.
And they fail to do so. remember this gem? https://scotchwhisky.com/magazine/latest-news/21799/serve-Scottish-at-events-uk-government-urged/
Fin, let me help you to be accurate for a change There is no extra tariffs on Scottish whisky, there are extra tariffs from the u.s. on e.u. products. there is no extra tariffs on uk products, there are extra tariffs on eu products. We currently are in the eu so get extra tariffs because of that
may I respectfully disagree. or, the secretary of state for Scotland Mundel, promoting English gin via their UK Government in Scotland social media channels. They used to be the Scottish Office but that sounded to ‘nationalist’ for them so they had a quick rebrand (at taxpayers expense) to emphasis their role as part of the UK Government. and funnily enough paid for by the Scots. remember GERS? the list is endless.
Brexit: Labour, Lib Dems and SNP at odds over no-deal tactics https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-49965836 Can’t even seem to agree on how to remain.
because we look after our business and protect jobs. in this case, aircraft parts and assembly. are we gonna stop protecting business and jobs after Brexit?
Can you imagine how quickly it would fall apart if they managed to actually pull it off? You could time it with an egg timer.