I can confirm that LBC is available as far up as the East Midlands, that's North of London and South of T'North, probably left a bit of somewhere else too Essentially if you've driven North and got as far as flat caps and whippets you've gone too far, or if you've driven South and jellied eels and rhyming slang comes into play, again you've missed the junction My pleasure chaps
I haven’t done the sums but here are circulation figures for 2019 Blue - Brexit Red - Remain I’ve omitted the FT and Sunday People because I rarely read the FT as it’s behind a paywall and though I would guess it’s probably pro-Remain or pro-leave with a deal, I don’t want to assume. I haven’t got a Danny what the Sunday People's editorial stance is on the issue. Edit: I also seem to have accidentally missed “i” (pro-Remain) because I didn’t have my glasses on
Just way it came across No not anti London spent long periods working in London, And life there isn’t anything like the rest of the U.K. it looks in on itself,
the circulation figures mean very little, even more so given the online options. I feel it shows the fragility and honestly, the sillyness of the 80% media support brexit claim. If that was transferable the the referendum would have been higher than the 52% in favour surely?
Why do “they mean very little”? Because they’re wrong or you just discount them out of hand because they don’t support your argument? If newspaper circulation means so little and has little influence on voting, then why all the alt-right victimhood about the MSM not representing their interests? Why do politicians court the favour of the papers so assiduously? Obviously it’s not the only form of media but I’d take a guess that the online circulation league table would be much the same, as the Fail Online is massive (and free to access) as is The Currant Bun.
I do in the barbers, and in the airport if it's free before boarding a flight, but less so nowadays as they're not exactly the easiest things to wield when buckled up sat next to some chap fighting for the armrest, I find getting the ipad out and watching a serial killer documentary or hard-core porn tends to win that battle
Well, it's because that automatically assumes if you read that paper, that you voted a particular way and there is no way of knowing that There you go again with anyone who does not agree with a london bubblista, must be alt right. As to influence, it's traditional as is advertising and little more (fin, zed just called you alt right ) but people now are more likely to get their news through the net rather than hardcopy papers and just one source As is the guardian, man I can see why we are short of phsychiatrist's in this country, their readers comments are true bark at the moon stuff
Why not just say “I don’t know?” Whilst it is true that that it’s not only the alt right who complain the MSM don’t represent their interests, the papers which top the circulation table all push that agenda, but the way you all bleat on about it you’d think that the circulation of the top 2 rabidly pro-Leave papers alone wasn’t greater than all the pro-Remain papers put together......
so you were talking nonsense the, fair play for hands up admitting it. that assumes that those who read it are blank minded and will do as they are told by the papers, neither the referendum result nor the circulation numbers match in way that looks like you are anywhere near the truth You on crack brw?
More misquoting, dissembling and aggression. You are Dominic Cummings and I claim my £5! But I’m happy to know that you think the newspapers have such limited influence. I’ll bear that in mind next time you’re kvetching about the MSM.
circulation figures don’t matter because when the wind blows from the south west and/or the sun rises in the east, @noobie gets to make stuff up as he feels fit
to be fair, the DUP get enraged at the sight of a tricolour, Varadkar blessing himself and toy dinosaurs. the 6 counties being returned to their rightful place is part of the GFA