That’s a very interesting analysis and I agree with a lot of it. However, while you’re often to be found saying what you don’t want, I’ve not seen any suggestions for a viable alternative (however, I only discovered Speakers Corner a couple of months back so I may have missed the manifesto). The closest I’ve seen you one to setting out how you think we should be governed is this statement “as little as possible without introducing anarchy“ and interestingly, I drafted a response yesterday which said something along the lines of “some of your views seem to align with anarchists” but for whatever reason it didn’t make the edit. What does that actually look like in practice though? It’s a genuine question btw as I tend to agree with quite a lot of what you wrote in terms of its criticism of politics and politicians (t’was ever thus), but I don’t see any solutions being put forward.
It's difficult for me to answer this in any detail, as my beliefs represent an aspiration or mission statement rather than a blueprint for specific government. If you don't accept the premise that there are two valid philosophies in the approach to government - minimalist and all-encompassing (socialist) - and that that there is only one valid methodology, that of Government being the final arbiter for all matters, then we will be reduced to arguing cases. Which will be dull. I can try, I guess. Let me bang together some examples that won't fall apart at first contact with the enemy and get back to the forum. In the end, any number of prima facie exceptions to the rule of "minimum government" will not invalidate the principle, for me at least. I am after all, not arguing in favour of either full-on libertarianism or anarchism.
Situation update: Out at any cost, lets have a bunch of self serving tory fascists in power, if they deliver Brexit. Harder the better not a problem. Because obviously people like JRM, Govey and Bojob have the average persons best interests at heart and care deeply for the UK and its population. And erm, sovereignty....etc! Meanwhile use Labour tactics of securing votes by promising huge spending, that is obviously going to be difficult to fund after reduced taxation, reduced gdp and short, medium, long term damage to the economy. Delete short, medium, long as you wish, roll a dice....After all because austerity was just a funny idea/joke that the Tory party were sharing with us. seems to be the current plan? of course they might just be playing a huge bluff as even no deal will need some sort of temporary deal? Probably maintain the status quo as an emergency measure. Which sounds a bit like leaving but staying at the same time, whilst continuing to play stupid games to stay in power. (Default position of this Government) Obviously I dont believe any of the above. That would just be crazy people doing crazy shit.....
I think you need a dictionary A government trying to deliver upon a democratic majority vote by the people, that both houses in parliament asked the people to provide an answer on, is not fascism.
I know a song about Anarchy - it is very good I also own 2 axes and a petrol driven chainsaw - just sayin'
Slightly off kilter but anarchy? related?