Took damaged 899 pillion pad to get re covered. Shop looked like a Laura Ashley outlet from the front, but back room had a row of smart covered bike seats along a high shelf. Very smart they looked to. Owner runs a Mutley 1200 too
Erected by cowboys many years ago as so much rust on the poles & the scafford boards were rotten. it was a bit like playing Jenga but i had alot of fun.
Glossing the inlaws woodwork today. I hate glossing. On the way home, picked up shiney new (well look like new) trinkets for the 748 from the platers. Very happy man. Then cooked dinner - WTF!!??
I've one already in stock for that rear tyre changeover task.i was out on it today gone 3pm with wet & dry road conditions (unlike me) and now i need front pads.
Fairplay to you as we're running low on dry weather days what's going to fix the rottweiler's bad attitude then,do the hooving/chocolates/ car
Me keeping out of the garage this evening and a chilled glass. To be fair, she does put up with an awful lot.
Tonight if I did anything in the garage I would hear the seldom heard (in our house) words, “it’s the bike or me”. That is a conundrum I do not wish to have, thanks all the same.
Tomorrow I’ll be going to my personal trainer again, so based on my last session I’ll not be able to move again until Saturday