AGAIN!............what did they do?.buy the parts of Ebay?......somebody tell the 'little bloke' to wind his neck in,he's making the place look like a cattle truck!.....
Don't worry Speno, mummy China is about to send Kim Dong whatshisname to bed without an dinner uttering something like 'now you just think about what you've done' or 'you've only got yourself to blame'
good point,but you dont say smell THIS at work and drop a fart at work thats smells like a dead hampster!.
At the moment, one of the oxen pulling the cart has dropsy, so they can't fire a missile until the butcher passes it fit again.
if he does fire a missile, who is he going to fire it at, and why? I can't figure out what he wants. I accept that the little guy with the dodgy haircut is loopy, just like his administration, but normally even loopy people say what they want before (or when) they threaten you. Or what's the point in threatening you? No. North Korea just thinks it'll lob a few missiles at some random people and then explain what it wants once (if) they've landed. Well, at least it's novel. That sounds a little nutty. It's even nuttier when you think that before the missile(s) has taken off, someone (probably the US) will have hit their own red button. Call me old fashioned, but if you were going to risk your country being turned to radioactive ash, you'd normally be a little more explicit about what it is you want.
As far as I am concerned, his rhetoric warrants a pre-emptive strike by several countries. F*****d if I would sit still and do nothing when someone was continually theatening me. AL
A test firing to demonstrate capability ? Most analysts seem to think he is just getting himself knownat home and cementing his authority.
If someone was continually threatening you it probably means they will never strike you. Preemptive strikes without a just cause would be on the wrong side of world opinion.
He's all mouth and no trousers typical power driven muppet. Has to be seen to be making his mark. If he fires something he's a gonna as is his " country" be pounded into nothing and he knows it . As someone else said he needs to step back and wind his neck in before someone bigger pummels it in!
Hopefully it will go up and few feet and land back on the fat dickhead. Be nice to have some extra parking for the south's Samsung employee's.
I think he's going to fire it into the sea, it's a way of catching supper in some areas, I can't see him not doing it, he's a grade 1 nutter IMHO But is he the same guy who sang that gangnam style song?
Shooting a nuclear warhead into the sea...whats the worst that can happen Godzilla 50 years tribute! - YouTube
Yes, but vaporising a lot of innocent people just because they had the misfortune to be born in a land ruled by nutters isn't very fair play either. That's why nuclear weapons are pretty much immoral.