Because most people are honest and straightforward, and want justice and fair shares. Just a few are so obscenely greedy and selfish that they try to monopolise everything for themselves.
Are you seriously asking why everyone isn't in the top 1% of society? Yes, because nothing good ever happened prior to Thatcherism. There were no entrepreneurs, no one ever built up a business, before 1979. I recall it well. Thousands of salesmen selling pensions and PEPs to gullible people, earning a fortune from commissions in a Ponzi scheme that was one of the shining jewels of Thatcherism. We all know how well that turned out. People selling money to people for money whilst other people who made things lost their homes due to astonishing interest rates and were then unable to get onto the housing ladder due to the ridiculous increases in property values - two-up, two-downs going up £50 or so per day. Um ... no. I was there, trying to earn a living under Thatch. Another day I may go on about Blair and Brown, Iraq and all the rest of that. But today, I just kick back and rejoice ... hmm, who was it who used the word "Rejoice" one time when it was hardly appropriate? out of...head...wall. Its dark outside in the UK fellas...or maybe for you it bright and sunny
I want to ride my bike. That's what I really want. Left-handers and right-handers - the wingers go bugger themselves :wink:
OK, I am coming back onboard. Under the Conservatives from 1979 social mobility did increase but paradoxically under Labour from 1997 social mobility dropped. The true winners were however the Political Class, those individuals who went from University to SPAD to MP who systematically politicised and dismantled the established institutions of the UK for their own advantage. They sent their own children to fee paying and highly selective schools whilst telling the masses that their children should go to the local comprehensive; Dianne Abbot, Tony Blair et al. The present government are attempting to reform Health, Education and Welfare to improve standards; it remains to be seen how effective they will be. The Labour ideas on 'equality' only served to drive down standards to the lowest common denominator, by trying to achieve 'equality' everyone suffered. The left believes in equality of outcome whereas the right believes in equality of oportunity and recognises and accepts that there will be differences in outcome. The right believes in a welfare system that provides a safety net. The left believes in a welfare state where the poor are given handouts; the result of which is the poverty trap where working no longer pays. Read The Triumph of the Political Class by Peter Oborne for it is they who are the new Aristocracy.
So how would you propose to fairly remunerate the working populace? There has to be some way to differentiate between industries, roles, responsibilities, achievements etc. I suspect there will not be "one formula that fits all", (there are lazy and ruthless people in all strata of society), but I welcome your views.
I'm lucky, I have no principles other than demanding the right to a pint after work. The rest I'll sort out myself. Does that make me right wing?
If you pay for it. If you try to get someone else to pay for it, or you offer drinks all round, you're left wing.
No of course not,it just suggests that you are a well balanced individual and I am just working to get my Ducati forum membership status raised!
According to BoJo “…there is an interesting psychological difference between left-wingers and right-wingers. On the whole, right-wingers are prepared to indulge left-wingers on the grounds that they maybe wrong and misguided but are still perfectly nice. Lefties, on the other hand, are much more likely to think right-wingers are genuinely evil.”
Left and right! Labour should feck off back to the left and tories back to the right instead of pissing about in the middle with no difference in polices apart from how they word them.
Tony thinks Ed is too often on the wrong side of the argument, whilst at least the Conservatives can claim fiscal responsibility.