bigger than you. there you go, there's my on topic contribution to the dick swinging thread. waaaaayyyy bigger.
I am just bigger than your cock? exe, pull up a chair. stand on it so we can talk face to face. I think its time we had a chat.
but talking about the size of your cock and referencing it at every opportunity and from a man in his sixtys is deemed normal? ferk, I must of missed more of my education than I thaught
Few tank slappers today, my dick is nowhere to be seen and my balls are like a busted sofa. Oh I fuckin love it
see, I told you he was small, yon fella didn't even notice him climbing up his leg and crawl into his shorts.
Forgot to say, my new Lithuanian chick who nearly dumped me today has a Russian surname, no joke, it is Davidova Evidently I don't ring her all the time and she expects more (ringing not willy of course) Couldn't fekin believe it when she told me Davidova