Obliterated my fingertip last week in the gym. Had an operation (probably a week later than it should have been due to poor decision making at initial presentation in A&E, I switched care provider on day 3) on Monday which was horrific as I watched them scrub away dead tissue, remove my fingernail then sew it back on and stitch my fingertip closer together. What's annoying is I told them repeatedly that at first place i went that they needed to treat the wound but they kept focussing on the bone and pretty much sent me off with a plaster and an appointment in clinic for a week later. I even went back to the hospital ward to express my concerns, got sent away while they referred me to district nursing to sort the dressing. They called me and it would have been a week before they could see me. Referred to plastics at second care provider and plastic surgeons words were "don't understand why they didn't refer you straight away". Complaint letter going in just to hopefully stop some other poor sod developing septicemia. Images are initial injury, shoddy excuse for a dressing that would have been on a week, finger with macerated tissue when shoddy dressing removed at second place, then when cleaned up after weekend, then mid operation.
Was putting barbell away in the upright storage rack thing, cought it between collars of my bar and one already in the rack. Basically a 20kg hammer blow metal to metal with finger in middle. Don't recommend it!
You kept the nail, mine was on for a week before plastics decided it's be worthwhile checking the nail bed.... Which they checked and was irreparable so have just racked the nail in place while a new one grows
Ouch bloody ouch. Get well soon. Did a similar thing a couple of years ago. Got my left index finger caught in a jig saw. It got smashed by the upward compression of the saw not the blade. Broke the tip of the finger into three sections. They took the nail off, that brought me out in a sweat I can tell you. It does get better though and the nail has grown back perfectly, amazing. Hope yours recovers well too. By the way, if your taste buds change and your tea starts tasting like rancid Aluminium get back down to the hospital quick. It’s an early sign of septicaemia. No kidding.
Thanks, I had septicemia paranoia yesterday morning as woke up feeling horrific but think it was part of a head cold virus thing coupled with painkiller delirium. Felt alright by lunchtime. Do you remember the first week in your dressing? I've had this one on since Monday I think. Loads of swelling and really really throbby for first couple of days. Now it comes and goes. The very tip of the finger occasionally feels really really sore as guess the nail bed is partly exposed. I'd be interested to know if you remember any in the healing bit. They couldn't repairm my nail bed and bone underneath is mush so really hoping nail grows normal-ish given the sorry state it was in.
Septicaemia, everything starts to taste weird, even cups of tea. Then you go off your food. Also my finger started to smell bad. They are the warning signs. If you don’t get them, don’t worry. Sorry, can’t really remember the first week other than I wrapped it in masking tape and a tissue and carried on working after copious swearing. When I went to hospital a week later they said I’d be dead by the morning with septicaemia unless I had immediate antibiotic injection and stayed in on a drip. Nice. The finger tip can look rough but in my case when the swelling went down the nail grew back absolutely normal, just a slight numbness on the tip. From what I can remember your progress sounds normal. Hope all goes well.
Yours does look worse than mine was as mine wasn’t an accident. I had a tumour in the nail bed, I have never known pain like it if I knocked it or even touched it. I even sold my 899 as I couldn’t pull the clutch in. Mine was surgically removed, the rumour was on the bone at the bottom of the nail bed. Worst but was the surgeon putting the needle in to freeze it. Nearly passed out ! Hope yours eases soon.
I couldn’t look at the pictures (sick bucket) But speedy recovery to you Nails and eyeballs no thanks