How Far On Reserve.....?

Discussion in 'Streetfighter' started by kentish, Apr 24, 2012.

  1. How far does a 1098 Streetfighter go on reserve?

    Well i'll tel you..... 28.4mls.

    Found this out in a thunderstorm on Sunday. Feck!!!!!
  2. I can tell you how long a 999R runs for on the autobahn . 22 minutes from full to empty. 56 miles.
    #2 ducati2242, Apr 24, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2012
  3. ^^ Kin Hell!!!!!

    Good work.
  4. Well, distance on reserve has direct relativity to throttle control... It's not really about how many miles you can cover, it's about how efficient you can be with the reserve you've got to play with... How many miles had you covered before the light came on?

    My fuel light generally comes on between 170 & 180, and I've been over the 200 mark a number of times on reserve. I've managed 209.2 miles on a tank, with 36.5 of it with the fuel light on & aditional fuel-trip counter showing. I'll admit I must have been running on fumes, but the book says I've got a 16.5litre tank, but I put in 17.33 litres with only a negligable amount dripping out of the overflow.

    The furthest I've been that I've registered before the fuel light coming on was 191.5 miles - I filled up 7.4 miles later, and I had over 2-litres left in the tank. It was in the middle of the night, and didn't fancy exploring the possibilities of a new personal record... (Most of that run was on motorway though, and I had slowed down due to the prospect of fumes...)
  5. Altaian sorry 170 miles to reserve on 16l tank? Is SF so cheap to run or are you talking touring/M-way miles? I have the 19.5l tank on monster that fits 21l :D yet I do 105m till reserve and then can fill up another 17l. 17l to 100miles FFS.

    900SSie does 110 miles to reserve but it has 16.5l tank that fits 17l at best.

    Kentish there is a very good formula to work out how many miles you will do on reserve. It applies to any bike, any weather, any rider and any riding style. You have used said formula already. On reserve go until you stop that is the maximum.

    How is SF to push, monster is OK but SS did my back in.
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  6. What can I say... The tank must be bigger than the book size, as I've put in 17.33 litres. I'm not an aggressive rider, but I don't hang around - I believe 'progressive' is the technical term Most trips have a mixture of road types, but I don't use motorways when I don't need to. The southern home counties have plenty of decent roads to prevent the need for the blue signs. I don't use the 'Fighter for commuting, so I don't tend to do much town/city riding. Most rides that take me a decent distance - the light pops on ususally somerewhere between 170 & 180. The 1098 must be a more efficient engine...

    With fuel costs the way they are, I wouldn't say anything is 'cheap to run'. One day I'll transpose the receipts into a spreadsheet...

  7. Do you take a pen and pencil to note these interesting figures down, hope you don't sit at he pump doing your calculations? Whilst other people sit patiently waiting to top up.
  8. Hey, I'm only responding to a question...

    fyi, it's not difficult to remember a few numbers whilst waiting in a queue, or time consuming to scribble them down on your fuel receipt after payment. If you take the time to look at your receipt (at a later point in time) you'll actually see all sorts of useful figures... kind of handy to work out MPG... should you be that way inclined.

    Is it really that strange a concept to be familiar with your bike, and know how far you can go before you expect the fuel light to come on or before you actually run out? FFS, plan your ride, ride your plan - saves pushing your bike or calling for assistance.
  9. Altaian, are you sure you don't mean Km's , your bike maybe set on Km's and need changing ??
  10. Hello -, the clue is in the url... Last I heard we haven't converted entirely over to the metric system...

    To date the 'Fighters only been set to km/h when on the continent. If you're interested, I'll try & dig the receipts for the figures from those trips... Yes it's set to 'mph'. Honestly, I'm only answering a question for someone who admitted to running out. I don't fancy running out, so I'm kind of keen to know where & when I'm gonna need to fill up.
  11. The reason we are, well I am shocked is because 1098 with same size tank does 100 miles. I know they changed fighters cam degree/timing, fuelling and injector type but still those numbers are impressive.
    I know exactly how many miles SS will do in town before light and after.
    M-way touring I know to add 25 before light and 5 after.
    Fun with mixed roads but not London traffic 10 miles extra.

    Monster before FCR vs electric fuel pump wars was also on the dot.
    110 in town, 125 having fun and 135 m-way touring. Reserves 15 or 20.
    I must also be weird then as I do not like to push the bike, have no reserve or fuel gage so do my MPG math, well MPL as it makes more sense at the pumps.
  12. I'm sure you'd have a spare few litres of fuel tucked up somewhere on your bike in case you did run out of fuel Altaian (probably next ro the train time table and picnic rug). :biggrin:
    Seriously though and away from the slight piss taking, your getting roughly 60 mpg from your 1098, which seems a hell of a lot for whats supposed to be a sports bike.
  13. shhh, don't tell everyone - best kept understated

    If it helps, I'm actually running quite rich, as the termi's need the black stuff cleaning off. Been tempted to get it sorted, but then the other part of me says why change a good thing.

    I've not met many other 'Fighter riders, so I haven't been able to compare stats with anyone else. Maybe I just got a crackin' model - well imho, I did...

    When touring I do take an additional reserve with me, esp when not sure where I'm going or stopping. But rarely on the island - it has been known... I can assure you on the 209.2 trip I was kicking myself for not having it, as gone mid-night I was getting a bit concerned.

    The figures are true though. It does work out better on a steady rate on the m'way, and this trip was on a couple.
    #13 Altaian, Apr 26, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2012
  14. Blimey 200mls on a tank.
    Wind my hypermotard on an I'm lucky to get 90 lmao.
  15. Shell's VPower is worth the extra pennys per litre...
  16. Hey Lucazade.
    Didn't push the bike. Sod that!!
    It all happened in a full on thunder storm. Phoned the Mrs up and she kindly came out with a can of petrol while i hid under a bush. Ran out 3 mls from home. Thought i'd make it.....
  17. Sorry, but that is either just BS, the maths not right, or the bike is broken.
  18. Sorry to disappoint you Spareparts but it ain't BS. I didn't provide the earlier maths, but I make it a slight fraction under 55mpg, which I'm not complaining about. To be fair, Drinky did use the word 'roughly', which isn't far off the mark if you round up...

    But to go back to the original Q, I provided the other stats hoping to do a comparison, but that requires more than just distance on reserve.

    Unless I know I can get to where I'm going or a specific fuel stop, I tend to drop the revs to 3K - I prefer the concept of riding slower for a short distance, rather than walking & pushing or making a phone call.

    Kentish, how many miles did you cover before the fuel light came on?
  19. I like your concept, I do try it but it lasts all about 5min before back to almost norm, with reserve I go max 70mph.
  20. So lets get this right, my Monster 796 has 15L of fuel which will last me for 120 miles give or take, your 1098 has 2 more L's wich get you another 80 miles, it just seems impossible to me, unless you are nursing the bike along a motorway at 65 mph FOR 3 HOURS. And just so you know I am not trying to have a go , I am truly confused, the subject of " how far on a tank of fuel" has come up hundreds of times and I've never seen anyone get 200 miles before on a Ducati, If that's the figure then fare enough.
    #20 Southfrance, Apr 27, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2012
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