So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. Today I'm attempting to fix my bath so it doesn't move and put a new seal around the edge
    So far i tightened the wall bracket and it doesn't move.
    Need to get more seal as hole is bigger than first thought :-/

  2. I don't think a bit of silicon will fix that gap
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  3. I think you are may need a piece of quadrant trim to cover the gap
  4. I'm going to use this

  5. Ducbird

    Looking at the gap you have between the bath and the tiles, I think your best way forward is to raise the bath up a bit. You should hopefully find the bath has adjustable screws on the bath's legs, which you can turn a little at a time to raise the bath. You could then use bathroom quality silicon sealant to complete the job.
    The problem with the quadrant is it's very tricky to make a neat job as you will have to cut the angles in the corner.

    If you do have to use the quadrant, use a mitre block to cut the 45' angles.

    top tip for using the silicon sealant:

    After you have squeezed out a line of sealant with a steady hand. Put a smear of fairy liquid or similar onto your finger and run it along the line of silicon with one smooth action to smear it neatly into the corners.
  6. Thank you that's really helpful

    Whoever did it in the first place didn't do a good job and it's attached to the wall and I can't get to it so I don't think it will go higher
    I'm making the best of it that I can

    Sounding girlie can I not just butt the edges up?
  7. The shape of the seal device means you will have a weird shaped gap in the corner, so mitre is needed.

    another thing to look out for is tearing of the seal in use due to movement of the bath under load. Basically, you should seal the bath while it is full of water to ensure it is as low as possible and won't drop an pull the seal when you fill it up in use.

    good luck with it.
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  8. The bath is full and ready :)
  9. any ducks?
  10. No I just got out :)
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  11. Got 3/4 bottle limoncello cooling in fridge
    Going to make a chilli later
    Got some Irish company coming :wink:
  12. Save me some :)
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  13. Is it Ryanair? What do I win? :smile:
  14. Spent the whole day dodging rain showers while trying to braze pipework on a roof:mad: Took me 8 hours to get about 2 hours work done, but hey, at least it's done. Final straw came at 3pm when a couple of flashes of lightning started to get worryingly close - bear in mind I was laying on a steel girder trying to braze a whole bunch of vertical copper pipes...
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  15. Been at home with a Serious case of Man Flue.
  16. A full fays work rather than 6 hours driving and 5 hours doing something. Nice
  17. nine tenths of fook all due to a client giving me the runaround!
  18. Long as he's paying you...
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